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"What the fuck."

Theo's pacing.

Always a sign of anger.

Malia rushes towards him.

She pulls him into an empty room.

"Theo... T open your eyes."

Theo lifts his head, opening his eyes slowly.

They're bright yellow.

Malia wished she had Scott right now.

He would do the whole alpha thing.

Red eyes and all.

But right now she was scared.

Theo never really lost control like this.

She could tell he was mad.

He wasn't heartbroken.

Well, he was but he was angry more than anything. Whenever he broke down it was crying or was an emotionally drained Theo.

Not angry.

Even after he found out Liam used black wolfsbane.

He wasn't angry with him.

He was scared for him.

But right now.

Oh, Theo was heated.

He turned away from Malia.

His claws were out, fangs poking out of his mouth.

"I'm sorry."

Malia barely gets time to react before Theo is out the door.

"Theo, no!"

She reaches out to grab his shirt.

Her fingers slip through Liam's old lacrosse shirt.

Theo is out of the hospital in a matter of seconds.

Malia is huffing trying to follow him.

She had been to a party the day before and drank way more than she should have.

She got to Liam's room.

She slides in through the door.

Almost falling, catching herself on the end of the bed.

Scott looks up at her.

She's alone and he hates every part of that.


He can tell just by the look on her face.

"He's gone. Scott, he's gone."

Malia walks over to Scott.


He runs over to the nightstand.

He's pushing things around, looking for Theo's car keys.

"He hasn't driven that fucking car in a month. Why would he be like 'yes today is the perfect day to grab my fucking keys'!?"

Scott's yelling and Malia looks in Theo's bag in the corner.

"Found the keys."

Scott turns and grabs them.


Malia sees a journal titled "Nightmares."

She's read this.

She has the same one but in black.

𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘛𝘦𝘭𝘭 ~ 𝘛𝘏𝘐𝘈𝘔Where stories live. Discover now