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It was Friday, and Scott and Malia had joined Theo in the hospital room.

Well more like Malia and Scott came by every day but slept at Scott's house.

Kira planned to come back that day, same with Isaac.

Stiles and Lydia were also coming down.

Since it was Friday and the last day of college before the summer break.

Mason and Corey came by earlier since they knew the place would be packed by 6.

So they wanted Theo to take a shower before the place got too crowded.

Deaton was testing the black wolfsbane at the moment.

He told Theo that he would call him as soon as he figured it out.

Theo knew what today was.

The day he had to face the whole pack.

He didn't start saying at the hospital until the pack went back to school, last month.

Theo was happy working with Deaton so he didn't plan on going to college, at all.

Mason leaned against the wall next to the door.

"Theo it's just Scott. Oh, he's got coffee!"

Theo sighs and opens the door, grabbing the coffee out of Scott's hand.

"Oh, hey T."

Theo nodded and smiled softly as he drank the coffee.

He hated caramel but Liam loved it.

So his coffee order had more caramel than he thought needed.

But it made him think of Liam, so he was ok with it.

He would need anything that made him happy right now.

There hadn't been more than 3 people, not including Liam, in this room.

Now everyone was going to be here.

Theo didn't want to leave Liam.

And he wasn't going to leave him to socialize with people that didn't like him.

Liam would probably laugh if he could hear what Theo was thinking.

Theo used to be deadly afraid of what Scott thought about him.

Then Scott got into that fight with Stiles, and they had something to talk about.

Theo could always see Stiles judging Liam.

So Theo would wrap his hands tighter around Liam when Stiles walked by.

Scott would pull Isaac closer when Stiles tried to talk to him.

Liam and Isaac never got it.

They didn't think anything when their boyfriends held them closer, tighter.

They would smile and continue their conversations.

"Malia, have you seen Lydia?"

Malia shakes her head, turning away from Kira.


"Oh wait yeah she's down the hall."

Malia sits next to Scott and Theo.

Malia and Lydia weren't as close as they used to be.

Malia would text her, but then she would answer late and say that she couldn't talk.

𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘛𝘦𝘭𝘭 ~ 𝘛𝘏𝘐𝘈𝘔Where stories live. Discover now