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*Liam's pov*

There was a knock on a door.

The ping of a phone.

Theo's voice yelling my name.

I slowly opened my eyes.

The room was a blinding white color.

I close my eyes again.

Trying to adjust to the light.

I hear Theo's voice again.


I sit up, and try to focus, but my head hurts.

I hadn't had my pills in two days.

So it was harder to focus.



I stood up, walking around trying to find his voice.

The background shifting.

From a white blinding room to a dark forest.

Theo's truck in the middle of a clearing.

He was running around yelling my name.


He turned around and looked at me.

He bolted and wrapped his hands around me.

"Where the fuck where you?"

He pulls back and scans my face.

"Uh I think I fell?"

Theo looked up at me, confusion written all over his face.

"What?" I question, his hands leaving my face.

I tried to pull him back.

Already missing the warmth of his hands.

His mouth inches away from mine.

"What happened to your hair?"

I look at him, dumbstruck.


"Your hair, your fucking hair. It's long."

I put my hands into my hair. He's right it's almost 3 inches longer than it used to be.

I run my hands over my face, stubble growing.

Theo backs up slowly.


My voice was shaky, tears streaming down my face.

He shook his head.

He backed up farther into the woods.

As he ran out of sight, the room shifted again.

It was blinding again.

Then Theo's voice came back.

"Wolfsbane really Liam?"

I walked around, suddenly in my room.

Theo was sitting on my bed.

A vial of blue wolfsbane in his hands.

I quickly pull it out of his hands.

"Thats- that's nothing."

My voice faded, trying to gain the confidence.

"You're using wolfsbane?"

I shake my head, fast.

"No just when we go to party's for the alcohol."

"Liam the vial is almost empty."

He sounded angry, his voice trying to stay steady.

Theo stood up, wrapping his hands around me.

I backed up.

"You just ran away from me a few moments ago and you want to comfort me?"

Theo's face was tilted in confusion.

"What Li, don't change the fucking subject."

His voice fading at the end.

He disappeared, back in the white room I was in.

"What the hell is going on?"

I waited for Theo's voice again but it never came.

I sat against one of the white walls.

Thinking back to what just happened.

They felt like memories.

Expect, when Theo and I went to the woods.

I fell in a hole, my boyfriend laughing as he pulled me out.

He had noticed the growth of my hair. He smiled softly and said he loved the long hair on me.

And as his hands passed through my face. He commented on my "beard".

"Wow my boyfriend's a man now. Growing a beard and everything."

I laughed into his shoulder and shushed him.

When Theo found out about the wolfsbane. He acted nothing like before.

He spoke softly, and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I didn't have the heart to tell him that I drank it more than I should.

But I think he already knew.

By the way his eyes crinkled into a sad smile. 

How he squeezed me tighter every time I lied.

I shook my head.

What the fuck was happening.

I don't remember any of that but I some how knew exactly how it happened.

I remember Theo never leaving.

I remember two months worth of memories.

Me and Malia bullying Theo and Scott.

Theo and Scott making fun of me and Malia.

I remember sitting on Scott's couch. Watching dumb movies wrapped up in Theo's arms.

Malia laying on the floor taking pictures of us from every angle.

Scott photo booming, and getting yelled at by Malia.

Kira walking into the room and placing her hand on Malia's shoulders. Shaking her head in fake disappointment.

Issac walking in and telling the kids to stop fighting.

These pack nights were fun.

Just my friends, the ones that cared, the ones that actually liked hanging out with me.

Not just because they had too.

Not because they had to babysit me.

But because they loved me.

Because they would protect me no matter what.

So maybe this was a messed up dream where everything isn't what it used to be.

Because I remembered Theo as my boyfriend.

In this messed up place, we never become more.

Something was definitely wrong.

I needed to get out, and back to the one that actually loved me.

Not the one is this dream that treated me like a one night stand.

Not the one that answered my prayers to pity me.

To say he actually didn't like me.

I wanted the good one.

The loving one.

The one that became friends with my friends.

That joked with Scott and Malia.

The one that gave dirty looks to Stiles.

The real Theo Raeken.

lani <3

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