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Scott sighed and sat down. Right now Malia was upstairs talking to Liam.

Liam had been distant with the pack for these past few months. He barely came to pack nights and when he did he would just get drunk.

Scott hated what Theo was doing to his beta. He was making him irritated. He was making him hard to be around.

Stiles had been over it the moment Liam started talking about Theo that one night. He was drunk and Kira asked him what was going on with him. He just started talking.

Malia stopped him before he got too far but all they got was they kissed on prom night and Liam couldn't stop thinking about it.

The pack was annoyed, to say the least. Stiles couldn't deal with it. So whenever Liam walked in the door he would walk right out.

Scott cared about his beta but Liam wouldn't talk to him. So he had no idea how to help him.

Malia had been the most supportive.

Kira wanted to know all about Theo and Liam. But she's been trying to control her kitsune. So she hasn't had time to talk to Liam.

Corey and Mason have been trying to be understanding. But Liam's made it harder than they would have hoped. Even though Mason and Liam have been friends for a while. Liam felt like he couldn't talk to Mason.

He didn't know why but Mason and him had distanced a bit, and talking about Theo was scary he had no idea how he would react.

Lydia was barely here, she was at college most of the time. So she didn't know what happened with Liam and Theo. But he didn't feel comfortable talking about it with her.

Liam only talked to Maila, but when she wasn't there. He was a mess.

All he could think was Theo.




He couldn't stop, he couldn't go to school.

He could barely be focused when he was in school.

His vision was hazy, whenever anyone said anything like Theo. He would freak.

He would get up and walk out.

He would run, run, and run.

Until it was pitch black.

Until he could feel his heart beat in his head.

Until his claws were gripping the ground.

Fangs out, roaring at the moon.

Then he would collapse, and cry.

His parents weren't home, ever.

So he barely went to school, barely left his house, barely did anything.

Theo Raeken ruined it for him.

He should hate him.

But he can't.

He needs him.

Liam Dunbar thought he was in love

Liam Dunbar also thought he was obsessed.

Liam didn't know what to feel.

Was it love or some twisted messed-up obsession?

Liam didn't know.

Liam wished Theo would just leave him alone.

That he would stop invading his thoughts.

That Theo Raeken would just tell him he didn't like him, that the kiss was pitiful. That it was a dare that he didn't care about Liam



But he didn't say those things.

He held him softly and called him beautiful.

Kissed him slowly and kept him pressed against his skin.

When they were done, he didn't leave. He wrapped his hands around his waist. Dug his head into his neck, and in the morning he didn't leave. He played with his fingers and talked softly into his ear about going to London to bury his sister.

Liam smiled and listened to his voice. Cuddled close to him, and almost fell asleep 3 times.

Around 12, Theo got a call from Deaton, who he had been helping to track a creature.

Theo sighed softly after he hung up on Deaton.

He pulled Liam closer to him and kissed him. Told him that he would be out with Deaton for a while. That he didn't know if he would be able to talk to him but he would try.

Then he left.

Theo talked to him now and then for 2 weeks. Then it went silent, and not only on his end but Malia's too.

Theo Raeken left him bare.

Feigning for his love.

For his touch.

For him just to say his name.

Maybe Liam Dunbar was obsessed with Theo Raeken.

lani <3

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