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*Liam's pov*

I was lying in bed.

Staring up into the ceiling.

Malia had called me non-stop.

It was 12 am.

Malia said her and Theo would be headed over.

Then she said they went to Stiles', then went to the high school.

Now she had texted me that they were finally going to my house.

At this point I didn't care.

I had long ago stopped answering her messages.

I sighed as I thought back to Malia.

She was one of my best friends.

She was always there for me, through all the Theo mess and having to get extra credits or I would have to repeat senior year.

She would tell me,

"You'll be ok Li."

"You can do anything."

"You're a wolf Liam, a fucking wolf. You can definitely do this."

She would sit me down and talk to me about anything.

About Scott and her trying to find Isaac.

Or her trying to help Kira control her kitsune so she could come home.

Malia was there for us all.

But me and her.

It felt different, like she cared about me in a family way.

I wanted the best for her.

I wanted her to go to a good college.

Get away from all this stuff.

To be free for the first time in her life.

But she told me that she was always free.

"You guys saved me. Gave me a home. I can't leave."

She would say that she couldn't leave me.

I told her I didn't plan on going to college. That I felt like I didn't had a purpose.

I mean besides helping Jordan, and Stiles' dad catch criminals.

Beacon Hills wasn't a big town.

And you really didn't need to have a degree to join the police department.

Just a high school diploma.

Which I should have before the fall.

Malia helped me practice.

Math was a bullshit subject.

I wanted to burn all the papers away.

But Malia was good at math.

After all her trouble in school.

Math was the subject she was the best at.

So she stayed over late at night and helped me.

She quizzed me, a lot.

And when I hit my mark.

She took me to the ice skating rink.

She had been come my best friend.

Along with Mason.

And he was around for a lot of it.

But he was trying to get into college.

So he would stay over and sit on my bed, writing his essay, and sending a bunch of emails.

While me and Malia sat on the floor, working.

Sometimes Corey would even join us.

Although he loved Mason a lot.

If there was a way to get out of doing work he would do it in a heartbeat.

So Malia kinda become the one I told everything too.

Mason became the one I dragged along every where.

But Mason had work so Mason wouldn't show up as much as I wanted him to.

Malia emphasized with me.

Since Lydia left for college, she had been super busy and hadn't had time to talk to her.

So while I dragged her along.

She was happy.

We were annoying to say the least.

At pack meetings if Scott couldn't get to the point we would start booing him.

If Stiles wore purple socks with spiders on them.

We would run away from him and point at his feet when someone asked us what was wrong.

He ended up throwing away the socks after the third time we did it.

If Lydia called herself a ginger and Stiles would complain and say she was a strawberry blonde.

We would laugh at him, and shake our heads.

Patting Lydia on the back wishing her good luck.

Kira would show up in this ugly cat sweater on purpose.

So we would all laugh and take a bunch of pictures.

Mason and Corey came in matching shirts.

Then when Theo started coming to pack nights me and Theo would wear matching bracelets.

So me and Malia were close.

I loved her, she made things easier.

When we first saved Malia, I thought Stiles would hog her forever.

But then she showed up to her first pack night without Stiles.

And I took that opportunity and we talked and talked until Melissa came home from work at 4 am and told us to go home.

But I knew no one would be at home and Malia was staying with Stiles, who wasn't home.

So we walked through the woods and just talked.

Malia became my best friend that night.

I hope I became hers.

lani <3

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