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*Liam's pov*

I shook my head, trying to wake up.

My eyelids felt heavy.

I wish I had my pills.

My fist balled up.

I let out a sad sigh.

Pills and wolfsbane, don't mix.

I don't know when it got this bad.

It started after a fight with the hunters.

I wasn't healing as fast as I wished.

So I took the blue vial of wolfsbane and mixed it into a cup of rum.

Then I started to get weaker, I couldn't train with Scott.

And that's how Theo found out about the vials in my room.

He had me throw them away.

So the itch grew, and the pills calmed me down.

Then when I went to see Deaton, I found a vial of black wolfsbane.

I just took it, without thinking I put it in my pocket and left.

Black wolfsbane was a bit different.

It was thicker, so a lot harder to mix into liquids.

Even though It was thicker after it fully dissolved, it was runny.

The first time I was scared of how it would taste. So I put it off.

I left it in the fridge and almost had a heart attack when Theo got home.

He went straight into the fridge for a drink and passed right by it.

Later on, I went to take my pills before going to sleep.

I just grabbed the cup and chugged.

It was amazing I mean, it tasted nothing like how it looked.

So I mixed everything I could drink with it.

Orange juice, apple, alcohol, anything.

Theo thought I was happier, Theo thought I was adjusting to the pills.

I could tell it was messing with my pills.

I missed one pill, and I thought I had lost my fucking mind.

I was at Mason and Corey's anniversary party.

Malia went to give me a drink but I pointed at the cup in front of me.

They still used blue wolfsbane, which didn't affect them as it did me. The effect would stay and I would be dizzy all goddamn day.

But I didn't tell them about the black wolfsbane. I thought they would tell Theo.

The Dread Doctors were always a sour subject, so to have them tell him that I was using black wolfsbane.

I think it would have broken his heart.

But right now sitting in this fucked up place.

If telling Theo could have stopped this, I would tell him in a heartbeat.

At a certain point, I didn't know what I was addicted to.




I wanted Theo every moment of every day. I couldn't stand being away from him.

But I opened that vial of wolfsbane every day.

𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘞𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘛𝘦𝘭𝘭 ~ 𝘛𝘏𝘐𝘈𝘔Where stories live. Discover now