If you're happy

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Hey! So, this probably wont be very good, but I'll try lol

"Natasha?" You called, "you in here?" It was a tradition of sorts. Whenever you came home from work, you would call out to your girlfriend in your apartment (she was always there, and if she wasn't she'd text you. Looking up, you saw that she was on the couch braiding a girl with pale skin and a hard expression's dark hair.

"right here, honey," she said, blowing a kiss in your direction.

"Who's that?" You asked, curious of the cute stranger.

"This is my friend Maria from. . . Work" she replied.

Maria gave her a side glance, and a teasing smile, "work, huh. Does she know  where you work?"

"No," you muttered.

"Well. . ." Natasha paused, "i think it would be better if you let me explain a little bit later. Oh, and do you mind if Maria stays for dinner?"

NO she did not just change the fucking subject

"Sure, I'll order now. Where?"

"We haven't had In-n-out for a while." 

"Sure, Umm. . . What do you want?" You asked Maria. 

"Oh, I'll just take a veggie burger with pickles," she laughed.

"'Kay" you said, feeling awkward.

-the literal time skip because i can-

Later that night, when you were laying in bed with Natasha,  you asked her, "where do you work?"

"I-" she stuttered, "I'm an- I'm an Avenger, y/n, I'm black widow." 

"Wait," you said, the wheels turning in your brain, "so does that mean that Maria was. . . The Maria hill? And you work with iron man and Carol Danvers and Hulk and-"

"Scarlet witch and Falcon and captain America." She joked tiredly.

"Who?" You asked

"Scarlet witch? You mean the one who does the weird hand things?"

"No, I've heard of her. Who's Captain America?"

"You mean. . . Steve rogers? Captain America? You've never heard of him?" She cackled, "oh, Steve's going to die when he hears that."

"Film it," you advised.

"Don't worry, i will." She planted a kiss on your cheek. "But first we should sleep."

And so, you fell asleep safe and happy in your girlfriend's arms.

-Time skip-


Through the next week, Maria was there every time that you came back from work. Once it was raining so much that she had to stay the night. You could tell how happy Natasha was when she was there, And every time you thought of her happiness, a small smile crept to your face. Once, you almost got fired from your job at Starbucks because you zoned out thinking about Natasha. 

I see the way that her eyes light up when you make her laugh. 

I see all the ways she makes you smile that i never could.

I see how you look at her when you think she isn't looking, when I'm standing in the doorway and you don't see me there.

And i know that you would love to love her, but you could never break my heart

But love is a roller coaster, it has its ups and downs, and some roller coasters break down

And when a roller coaster breaks down, you either get on another one or you never go on a roller coaster again. 

And you don't understand, thAt if you weren't happy, my heart would already be broken

And I would shatter my heart a thousand times to keep yours whole

Because sometimes loving someone is letting them go.

*end of reflecting*

"Natasha." You said, pulling your girlfriend into a closet.

"I need to talk to you about Maria."

"What? Y/n, you know i would never-"

"Natasha, i know that you're a good person. I know that you would never cheat. But i see the way you look at her. And those glances that she sneaks at you. And that's why. . ." You couldn't say it. But. . . Natasha would be happy. And that was all that matters. "That's why. . ." You blinked back tears, "that's why I'm breaking up with you."

"What- but y/n, i- thats not- i-" she stuttered, clearly not expecting thighs.

"Natasha just, please. . ." You begged. "Ask Maria out. Please. Just let me go."

You left the closet before she could argue. Because, loving someone is letting them go.

Because, loving someone is spending a lifetime of heartbreak so that they don't have to spend a lifetime pretending they don't love somebody else.

Because, even after all this





Your didn't feel your heart shatter until you hit the highway.

That was a fun way to take my depression out! 

Sorry that y'all had to wade through that shit hole

Lol i f ing love similies 


-Cori :)

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