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Ok so this doesn't have any warnings really but natasha thinks shes straight so shes in deep denial and if you dont feel comfortable with it/ are working thinks out still and this is a touchy subject (which is fine) i recommend that you dont read it ok? This is based off my own questioning and stuff, but its only one story, and my questioning was different than other peoples because were all different people. Take care of yourself please ❤️

The problem that natasha was facing was that she kept on looking at girls. She couldnt help it- they were so pretty. But she always felt ashamed, for some reason. Like she was looking at a heaven she knew she would never get to.

In general, natasha romanoff hadn't dated much. She never really found the right guy. Most guys liked her, but she always turned them down. She was content being single, especially since she had great friends.

Her favorite friend was her roommate. Y/n. They had lived together for a few years, both of them single and neither of them wanting to live alone. Y/n was special to her. Sure, natasha had a lot of really great friends, but y/n was a different type of friend. She was special.

Natasha didnt know what was so special about y/n. Well, she did-  y/n was a spectacular person. She was kind, she was funny, and oh my god- she had the cutest blush, and when she smiled, natashas heart would beat faster. In a platonic way, of course.

And she knew things about y/n, too. She knew that she loved dogs, and that she felt happy when it rained, and that when people died in fires, a part of her heart hurt for them, too.

And she was queer.

It wasn't a big deal, most of Natasha's friends were queer (wanda, carol, bucky). 

But when y/n had mentioned her sexuality, Natasha's heart had skipped a beat in a hopeful way that it had never done before.

"Nat?" Y/n was home from a run, her hair tied back and her hoodie securely tucked between her arm and hip. "Sorry, im late. How was your day?" 

Nat smiled, probably too eagerly, and responded, "great. It was great. How was yours?"

The conversation went on, both of them talking, but natasha only half aware of anything except y/n's eyes. They were so beautiful. Sparkling and laughing and looking at her... natasha wondered what y/n's eyes would look like if she leaned in and kissed her-

If i were gay, i would be in love with her, natasha thought, its too bad that im not gay because women are so pretty- no. she cut herself off and tried to pay attention again. 

Later, that night, she was laying in bed again, trying to figure out what about y/n's eyes pulled her in like quicksand. She tried to fall asleep, staring at the ceiling, but she wasn't tired, so she just laid there and thought. 

Among the tangle of thoughts, a few caught in her mind. 

Will i ever find a guy?

What if i never find a guy? The thought startled her, but it didnt scare her. She just kept letting her thoughts flow by. 

What if i dont even like guys?

Natasha sat up out of her bed. Standing up, she rushed for her closet and hurried to change clothes. She needed to forget about this, and fast

Ok so this is part one! I'm gonna write a part 2!!! I'm not sure how many parts this is going to have yet, I was thinking like 3 or 4. Well, we (i) will cross that bridge when we come to it.


- Cori

Natasha Romanoff  and Scarlett Johansson x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now