The Snap

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Natasha's strong arms wrapped around you. A movie was playing on the TV, but neither of you were paying any attention to it. Her eyes looked into yours...

oh, those beautiful, deep, green eyes. You had known them for so long, yet they still held so many secrets.



She brushed a strand of hair away from your face and softly ran her thumb over your cheek.

Suddenly, you felt something fluttery on your shoulder. Touching it, your hands came away with charcoal-like dust on them... and bits of your hand falling away?

"Natasha?" You gasped. It was getting harder to breathe. "What's happening?" You looked at your hand, fear running through your veins. You squeezed Natasha's hand desperately, like she would somehow pull you back to reality, but it was no use.

"Y/n, listen to me, I promise- I promise that I will bring you back. I will do whatever it takes, I don't care if I have to climb all the way up to heaven to get you back- I will. Trust me, I will always you, no matter what happens next. Just breathe with me, okay? Just breathe, y/n, breathe. .."

and then the world went dark


Light flooded through your senses. You felt as if you had just woken up, a bit sore and confused. And your whole body was itching like hell... oh. I dissolved. The memories from before with Natasha came flooding back. Shit. . . Where was Natasha? You stood up hastily. If the light from the window was any indication, it had been a couple of hours.

All of the rooms in the house were empty. It must have been a while. . . Maybe she went to get the milk™️.you grabbed your phone to check the time. Dead. You plugged it in. While you waited for it to charge, you observed the room.

Walls faded from green to a grayish color. Blankets askew and unfolded. Pictures gone. . .

You grabbed your phone, desperately hoping that you were wrong. Locking your eyes to the top right corner of your screen, you gasped.


No, this- but how?

With shaking hands, you called Natasha.

Voicemail. Shit.

Just then, you remembered what you and Natasha had talked about when you had first moved in together.


"I know that this isn't a pleasant subject to talk about, but. . ." Natasha wrung her hands, "if something ever. . . Happened, and you couldn't reach me, I need to give you a number to call. Her name is Yelena, and she's my sister. But only call her if it's an emergency."

"Only if it's an emergency," you agreed, "And I'll put my aunt's number in your phone."

The two of you swapped phones and put in the numbers.

But of course, you thought, I'll never need to call Yelena.

In many ways, you were wrong.


You dialed the number.

"Hello?" A shaky voice asked on the other side of the line.

"Is this Yelena?" You asked.

"Who's asking?" She snapped.

"You probably don't know me," you started, "But I'm Natasha's girlfriend, y/n."

"Oh," her voice softened a bit, "Yes, this is Yelena." There was a sort of smile in her voice. "Y/n. Natasha never stopped talking about you."

"Do you know where she is?" You prodded, "is she with you?"

"Unfortunately, I don't know where she is, either."

"Oh. . . Okay, it's just that she wasn't answering her calls and, well, she gave me your number for if I ever couldn't reach her and there was an emergency. Which, according to my phone, we're five years into the future and I don't know what happened in the past five years," you rambled, "and so I called you."

"Don't worry, I'll call you the second that I hear something from her."

"Great. . . Okay." Your head spun as you hung up.

You fell asleep and you waited, and you called Natasha and listened to her voicemail and you waited, and you texted Yelena and you waited.

Because, no matter what, you knew that you would never stop waiting for her.. 

I literally didnt re read that 😅 I'm really busy lately, and i've been having trouble trying to make wattpad work on my phone, eventually got my lazy butt up and snuck my ipad to copy-paste and try to edit it. I didnt edit the plot at all, will do later when i have time (aka probably never)

How are you all today?


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