If you're happy part 4

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I've been putting this off for so long. . .

Youssra1927 thanks for the idea! I hope i wrote it well! :)

Tw: y/n dies. And it makes no sense. Also i write about y/n driving but i have never driven in my life. and my interpretation of Natasha is shitful because im a bad writer. 

Natasha's POV:

Sometimes i still think about y/n. I know that it's silly. I don't. . . I'm not in love with her, but i still love her. Maria is the love of my life, of course. And I'm really glad that y/n gave us that push, because we were both too decent to admit our feelings to each other while i had a girlfriend. And now. . .

Now we were getting married. 

But i still care about her. 

I'm kind of worried, actually. 

"Natasha?" A voice asked. 

"Yelena? What are you doing here?" I spun around, wasn't yelena a wanted criminal or something?

"You need to talk to y/n before she does something stupid." 

"Wait a second. . . You know where y/n is?"

-time skip-

Y/n's POV:

Shit, why were you doing this. You couldn't run from natasha. And if she found you. . .

Well, that would be a shitty disaster. 

You reached a gas station. Hmm, this would have to do. After digging through the backseat, you came up with a piece of paper note and a pen. Score

You hastily scribbled on the note:

          Dear Natasha, 

Please, if your reading this, stop looking for me. Trust me, I'm not worth it. Please, just be happy. Live your life. Start a family with the woman you love. Maybe save the world if it needs it. 

All the best,


You paused a second before adding on the back:

We both know that it's too late. 

You walked into the gas station and asked the guy at the counter to give it to the first person who asked about a y/n. Hopefully it would work, thats what happened in movies. 

Hopefully she wouldn't find you. 

Natasha POV:

Yelena told me where she was but she wouldn't go with me. She said that i needed to do this alone. I mean, she was right, but it would've been nice if she had done more than dump me at y/n's door. 

I silently walked in, because i didnt want to startle her and make her run away. But. . .

She wasn't there.


I couldn't find her car, either. 

Y/n POV:

Oh, shit. Oh, shit shit shit.

There. Right there. There was a car. Where the fuck did that car come from? It was a completely empty road a minute ago. . . Wait- was there no one in that car? what the fuck-

You pressed the pedal as hard as you could, but it was no use, you were already flying toward the car. 

Natasha POV:

I found her note. Which, if anything, let me know that i was on the right track. I needed to find her before something happened. 

Y/n POV:

Your car was upside down. On the road with you in it. 

This is probably how a lot of people die, you thought. Because you were dying. And you knew that. You just had to stay alive until Natasha found you. . . 

Hurry up, hot assassin. 

Natasha POV:

Uh oh. That looked like her car. It was upside down, on the road. And. . . Yep, there she was. It was funny how i only realized now that i hadn't seen her since she dumped me. Well, not funny. Nothing was funny now. Because. . . Y/n was dying. 

This was all my fault. 

I should have checked up on her more. I shouldn't have let her leave. I should have refused to break up with her. I should have shown more affection towards her.

I shouldn't have introduced her to Maria. 

"Y/n. . ." I whispered. Her eyes popped open. 

"Natasha. . . You came back."

And then i watched as her eyes faded and her breaths slowly stopped. 

I had to hear it when she whispered a barely audible, "i love you." 

And i had to live with that. 

I didnt reread it bc i dont have access to wattpad all the time anymore and im too lazy for that shit so please comment if you see any typos or something else that doesnt make sense bc i barely remember what i wrote. 

School has been beating the crap outta me and real classes haven't even started yet. 


  - Cori

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