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Yeah, im still mad about that

Tw angst, death (of reader and natasha) depression

You walked to the room that you and Natasha shared. She was asleep in an armchair with her legs over the side. 

"Natasha, baby," you cooed, not loud enough to wake her up, "you've been working so hard lately, you need a break." 

You set her down lightly on the bed, covering her up with blankets before crawling in next to her. 

You loved her.

You always would.


"Natasha," you whispered. She was about to step into the time portal. 

"Mhm?" She asked, worried by the helplessness in your voice.

"Promise me you'll make it back."

"Don't worry, darling." She whispered, kissing you on the lips. "I will, and when i do. . ." She kissed the engagement ring that she had given you before whispering in your ear, "you'll be my bride."

You smiled thoughtfully and kissed the engagement ring that you had given her. "And you'll be mine," you whispered.

She started to make her way to the portal, but you grabbed her hand and stopped her. 

"One more kiss?" you begged

"How could i ever say no," she laughed before pulling you into a searing kiss. 

"Alright lovebirds, we've got a planet to save." Tony teased. You and Natasha blushed and Parted ways, you to keep guarding the avengers compound and her to get the soul stone on Vormir. 

-time skip-

It all happened so fast, first no one was there and then everyone was there. The sudden amount of people moving and talking overwhelmed you, so it was saying something that you walked into the crowd to find Natasha.

"Nat? Natty. . . Natasha?" You called, making your way through the crowd. The sound of your voice made everyone stop.

Clint looked at you guiltily.

(Btw in this ur method of coping will be denial at first)

"Clint? Wha- what do you mean-" your voice cracked.

"Y/n, i . . . I'm so sorry." His head drooped in confirmation.

"No,i- she- she has to be alive. She is alive. Where is she?" You hyperventilated. Shaking Clint's shoulders, you asked, "where is she, Clint! Where is-"

"She. . ." He looked away from you, "Natasha's dead."

"N- no,no. Noo," you screamed, dry sobs shaking your body. 

You did the only thing that you could do and ran to your room.

But it was not your room. It was the room that you and Natasha shared. The one that you had shared for seven years. This was the room that she proposed to you in. This was the room that she had fucked you in. This was the room that still had her clothes in it.

This was the room that she would never see again.

You slammed the door shut and sank down to the floor, dry sobbing again (i do that a lot, like whenever i should cry or feel like crying, i cry but there are no tears.) Natasha, Natasha, Natasha your mind chorused





From then on, you only wore Natasha's cloths. Every day you would wear, a suit of Natasha's that definitely didn't fit right, or, her sweater with the arms that went down way past your hands and sweatpants that went don at least a foot below your feet.

Some of Natasha's clothes even still smelled like her.

You would usually try to keep yourself around the compound, while you were basically waiting around (i just watched endgame like a week ago and i don't remember half of it) but, one day you ended up bumping into captain America after sneaking (more) comfort food out of the kitchen. Never peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, though. 


"Oh- uh- have something to do-" you mumbled. But before you could dash for your. . . You and Natasha's room, he grabbed your arm. 

"Listen y/n, i know that you lost your girlfriend a week ago, and i know that's been hard, but you need to be ready. We could be attacked at any moment."

"Fiancée," you whispered.

"What?" Steve looked confused.

"She was my fiancée. We- we were-" your voice broke, "we were gonna get married after she- after she came back."

"Oh, um. . ." Steve cleared his throat, "I'm so sorry."

Later, you thought back and knew why you couldn't cry.

Natasha was more than tears.

Natasha was more than breaths.


Every enemy that came your way, you stabbed them with no emotion, no regret. It wasn't like you were stabbing real . . . Whatever those things that thanos has set after y9ou. It was surreal, like a dream. Like you weren't killing them. Except you were.

When the battle was over, you did not celebrate. 

You fell to the ground and screamed. 

You screamed your heart out

You screamed your fears out

You screamed until you saw Natasha. 

I'm sorry that was so depressing.

Thank you for letting me take all of my angst and endgame depression out on you :)

    - Cori

Natasha Romanoff  and Scarlett Johansson x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now