Birthday girl

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A/n: sorry this is a day late!

At 4:30 AM, before Natasha got up, you tip-toed into her room and slipped underneath her sheets. 

"Happy birthday, natty." You whispered when her eyes fluttered open. The two of you hadn't moved in together yet, because you didn't want to rush it, but you had been dating for over a year now.  "I was gonna give you some extra cuddle time before you went to the gym." 

"I'll skip it this morning," she said, a smile playing on her lips. "I want more time with you." Her hand found yours as she buried herself in your side. Honestly, you just wanted to stay like that, forever and ever. 

At some point, you fell asleep. You woke up to footsteps all around you. 

"Hap-" you bolted up. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" You hissed. Tony, Bruce, Wanda, Thor, vision, clint, and yelena were standing by the foot of Natasha's bed. 

"L/n," wanda teased, "didn't expect to see you here." 

"You're going to wake her up, you absolute dumbasses! It's-" you looked at the clock on the wall. "Six AM!"

"She usually gets up at five!" Tony whined.

"It's her motherfucking birthday! She can sleep in!"

"For the record, or your grudge list, i told them it was a bad idea." Yelena whispered as she herded everyone out of Natasha's room. You sighed and climbed back into bed. 

"Thanks," natasha whispered when you were back in her arms. "For 'earths mightiest heroes', they seem to be really bad at planning." She hopped out of bed and grabbed your hand, pulling you up. "Well, since your here and we're both awake, do you want to join me in the shower?" 

You blushed. "Sure. . . If you really dont mind." She still screwed your brains, that girl. 

My next update will be on Christmas at either 1 am or 9 am. 

12 AM at the latest 🤨🤨

 - Cori

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