Questioning part 2

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Sitting on her barstool, Natasha Romanoff looked around the room. The sweat from her beer dripped onto the bar's counter, but she didn't really care.

She surveyed the room, not full of nerves but not tired either. The lights temporarily blinded her eyes, and when she could see again, she saw a woman standing next to her. The mysterious woman was taller than Natasha, and she had bright green hair that came down to just above her chin. She was wearing a black dress with strappy shoulders and multiple bracelets adorned her wrists.

"Hey," the woman said, "haven't seen you here before." 

"Yeah, um- i haven't been here before." Natasha said, suddenly nervous.

"Well, don't be shy," she said, "I'm Ally. You?"

"Natasha," Natasha replied. Ally smiled and nodded, then sat down on the barstool next to her, all without turning her body away from Natasha. She tucked her hair behind her ear nervously, and looked Natasha in the eyes.

"What?" Natasha asked, giggling.

"You're cute! So cute!" Ally said.

"Really?" Natasha questioned as she felt her face heat up.

"Yeah." Ally said, "really... really... cute." She leaned in and her lips met Natasha's. 

-time skip-

Natasha had been pacing her (and y/n's) apartment for weeks, thinking about that night. Thinking about ally, and how soft her lips had been, and y/n, and how soft her kisses could be. Now that she had finally gotten her head sorted out, she knew that she was in love with y/n, and she had to find the perfect way to tell her.

Natasha planned and prepared all week, brainstorming and romanticizing while she planned their date...

Why do I keep writing such short chapters 😭 I miss you, word count 1,000. Anyways, please comment I'm lonely, please request anything u want me to write, please have a nice day and drink some water xoxo.


- Cori 

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