If you're happy part 3

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You knew that when yelena came, you wouldn't be able to fake it anymore. You would either end up hurting someone or breaking. You just needed to forget. But. . . That wasn't possible and you knew it. You had tried forgetting, you had tried ignoring. . .none of it ever worked.

Knock-knock knock

Shit. That was yelena. You should probably get out there before she kicks the door down. 

"Yelena?" You asked with a fake grin on your face, "i haven't seen you in forever, come in!"

Yelena's frown remained unmoving as she walked in, letting the door slam shut. 

"So, do you want anything?" You asked, your voice claiming higher with each word,  "I have water, coffee-"

"Y/n, cut the bullshit we both know why I'm here." Yelena interrupted. 

"I- what do you mean?" You asked, your voice going off the charts. 

Yelena glared at you. 

Maybe Natasha wasn't the world's scariest assassin. 

Natasha. . .

"I got the call from the hospital, y/n." She continued, concern starting to play on her face. "At least talk to me." 

Your smile fell and you sighed. "What is there to tell? I'm sure you already know."

Her gaze narrowed, "yes, i have talked to Natasha. . . But i want to hear it from you."

"Are you sure you don't want some coffee?" You asked, avoiding her.  

"Y/n, please." She stared directly into your eyes. 

"I have Doritos, too," you offered. 

"Y/N!" Yelena yelled, making you jump, "please. . . I'm trying to help you." 

"I'm fine," you insisted, "now I'm gonna get some Doritos, whether you want them or not." 

-time skip-

You and Yelena were sitting at the kitchen counter, which yelena had decidedly dragged the couch to and was (even though she refused them) munching on Doritos.

(In my opinion, there is nothing that a bag of Doritos can not fix)

Honestly, it kinda wasn't fair that all these people were coming over to your house, making themselves at home, and making you talk to them. 

"You gonna talk now?" Yelena asked, turning to face you. There was dorito dust on her fingers and chin. 

"Yes. So there's this article about youtube being a scam, and-"

Yelena cut you off with a glare

"Fine. Natasha and i were dating, it didnt work out, the end." You said stubbornly. 

"Y/n, you are not going to be happy if you avoid my questions again," she maintained unblinking eye contact, "so I'm going to be a bit more specific."

"Is this an interrogation?" You asked, laughing nervously. 

Yelena shrugged, breaking eye contact, "it can be." She glared at you again, "Just answer these three questions and I'll leave. Who dumped who, did it have to do with Maria, and," she paused, "Why did you leave." 

Better just to give up on this one, "i dumped Natasha-" yelena looked at you in surprise "-because i knew that she and Maria had that chemistry, and. . . They just needed that push. Besides, it was better that i get hurt than natasha have to hide her feelings for the girl she loves just so she doesn't squash my heart. I left because i couldn't stay." 

Yelena nodded sadly, "So you won't come back?"

You felt tears come to your eyes, "Never."

-time skip-

Yelena was gone. She had left hours ago. They all came to help, and they all made it worse. Every time. 

You had to go. You left your phone and checked your car to make sure that you had enough gas. You did. 

Driving away from the home that was never really a home, you knew that they would never find you again. 

Not if you had anything to say about it, at least. 

That was REALLY exhausting. . . 

I dont think im doing a part 4, but hey maybe I'll be really inspired or smthn

Ice cream or chocolate?



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