If you're happy part 2

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This is a request from tumblr.

Tw: depression, angst, injury

You slammed the door of your small house shut. Well, legally it wasn't yours, you had found it fully furnished in the middle of nowhere. If the owner showed up you would leave of course, but you didn't think that they would. 

You had been doing pretty well without n-a-t-a-s-h-a, you had somehow managed to bury all of your complex feelings. You still felt happy when it rained, or annoyed when you had to drive four hours to go to the store for milk, but as long as you kept her out of your mind, you didn't actually feel sad. You just. . . Were. It was like, you were still sad but sad wasn't bad anymore unless she crossed your mind. 

Hopping into the car, you cursed when you realized that it was low on gas. Now you would have to drive through town. You usually avoided that and got your groceries from a lil shop on the edge where you were known as a blocked-up writer named (ur mom's name) who had moved here after a scary wildfire. 

Driving through town and grumbling to yourself, you tried not to look at the billboards. Unfortunately, the bright red hair and radiant smile on one of them caught your eye. 

Stopping the car immediately, you stared up at the billboard through the glass. It was one of the electric ones that showed ads and sometimes breaking news, if it was big enough. In the billboard, Natasha hugged Maria with one arm and showed off a. . .


A sparkling diamond engagement ring in the other. Maria had one, too. And the emotions only got worse when she turned to kiss Maria and Maria kissed her back and-

You were falling.

You could feel the drop in you stomach as you went down.

Where would you land?

You didnt know.

You were falling.

-time skip-

You woke up in a hospital with stiff paper sheets and baby blue walls. The air smelled like hand sanitizer and blood, a horrible combination. A nurse with pulled back blonde hair walked in. 

"Oh good, you're awake." She said. "I'm going to need you to answer some questions for me."

"Um. . . Okay?" You said.

"What is your name," she asked.

"Y/n l/n" you answered.

"Who is your closest relation," she asked.

"Uh. . ." Natasha. "I have none."

"None?" She asked, clearly none at all.

"None. In fact, i have a dog at home, and i should probably get back to her." You said, dismissing her bluntly. 

"I'm sorry, i can not release you from the hospital until you have given us at least one emergency  contact."

Gritting your teeth, you reluctantly wrote down yelena's number, because that girl would seriously kick ass for you. In fact, if the hospital called she would probably think it was a scam. 

When they finally let you out, you drove straight home. You hadn't given them your real address, you had put the billing for tony. Hopefully they wouldn't notice.  

When you got home, you locked all of the doors and windows. Stupid, stupid you. When you were dating natasha, you had always been far away from the news. That was probably why you didn't recognize her as Black Widow when you started dating her.  You had met them all, of course, but you tended to read the news, and oh my god did those cameras do insane things to their faces. Honestly, you probably would have scolded yourself for being a main character if you thought that they were the avengers. Because meeting the avengers was something you heard about, not something that happened to you.

or so you thought. 

Oh, how could you have been so stupid. Tony was going to talk to be here any minute now. Or worse, yelena. 

Whoever showed up would obviously try to talk you back into moving back. Oh god, what if they sent Natasha. . .

You could not do this. 

The urge to go and cry in bed was overwhelming, but you knew that this was more important. Slamming your groceries down on the counter, you started making grilled cheese. You knew that tony loved those, and he would probably be here first. Shit, he was probably tracking you down right now. 

As if summoned by thoughts, there was a sudden banging on your front door. Flipping the grilled cheeses a final time, you slowly made your way to the front door. When you reached it, all too soon, you opened it just a crack. Yep, tony. You sighed and flung it open.

"To what do i owe the pleasure," you drawled sarcastically. 

"y/n, we need to talk." He said seriously. "You are not okay."

The words hit you hard. You stood there gasping and slightly recoiled. Tony noticed and shoved past you. Walking to the kitchen, he grabbed a grilled cheese. Entitled bitch. You sat down on the couch, you weren't hungry. When tony was decidedly done with his grilled cheese, he sat across from you.

"Y/n, we need to talk." He said.

"So talk!" You said, really not caring. "There is nothing that can break my heart any more than it is already broken. Trust me." You hadn't meant to sound pathetic, but. . . Yeah, you did. You looked away. 

"Y/n, you need to come back. You left your life behind  when you left. What about your friends? What about your job? What about Natasha?" Oh my god, he said her name.

Her name.

Her name.

Her name.

You stood up.

"I left those behind for a reason. Now get out of my house."

"Y/n, this is-"

"Get. Out. Of. My. House."

"Okay. Fine. But, please. . . Try to come back."


Yay! My first request! I think i handled that pretty well, i mean i didnt botch it.

Should i do a part 3?


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