CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - stocking stuffers

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A/n: naive little y/n gets sucked into the shopping portal just like i do except shes not broke. I got this idea while scrolling through target on Black Friday 

You were on a mission. Opening up your computer, you opened google chrome and typed out what you wanted to find. 

About 20 minutes through your searching, Natasha walked in. Once she realized what you were doing, she yanked the computer out of your hands with her amazing reflexes and slammed it shut. 

"But, natasha-" You whined, begging her for the computer back. You grabbed onto her arm over dramatically.

"No. We are not doing that this year. Last year you stayed up for 72 hours shopping and would have bought $325 worth of stocking stuffers had i not intervened. And, Christmas is tomorrow so no matter how amazing the things you find are, they are going to arrive after New Years and be twice as expensive in shipping as the initial price."

The three things that you took away from that, of course, was

1) she was saying all of that in practically one breath, and was incredibly hot in doing so

2) you were not going to be opening that computer for the next 24 hours at least

3) you had to find something else to distract yourself

Fortunately, that last one wasn't a problem. You grinned sheepishly at Natasha. 

"Fiiine. You win . . . But can we walk to the lights after dinner?" A couple streets down there was a cul de sac that went all out for pretty much every holiday. It was in one of the more secluded areas (probably because it was a cul de sac) but by far the most beautiful. If you went there earlier, say around eight, you might see some families sitting around on porches, sipping hot chocolate and apple cider. But if you went there later, around. . . Midnight, it would be completely silent, usually not a soul out there but yourself. . . Or in this case, you and Natasha. 

When you arrived there, the street was completely silent. Some of the falling snow caught your eyelashes, and despite all of the Christmas lights, you could still see some of the stars in the sky. 

"Natasha," you whispered, "look. There's Orion's Belt." You let go of her hand to point to it, and her brow furrowed. 

"Wait. Why is a guy's belt in the sky?" She asked. You rolled your eyes. 

"Well the rest of Orion is there, too." You both started laughing. 

After that, you walked in silence. Holding hands, occasionally stopping to kiss. Like you were in a snow globe full of glitter, the perfect moments safe and happy, while all of the bad stuff was outside of the snow globe. The bad things could shake it up, but in the long run, it would only make it more beautiful. 

Because when you were with Nat, everything was perfect. 

-in the morning-

You woke up next to Natasha. The air outside of your fluffy comforter was cold, so you scooted even closer to her. 

"Hey, baby," she murmured, still half asleep. 

"It's Christmas," you told her, "will you drag me out of bed? Please?"

"I won't drag you out of bed. . . But i will race you down to the tree!" That was one of the things that you really loved about natasha. That she was not only your girlfriend, but your best friend. 

Scrambling out of bed, you threw on some clothes (pajamas) and ran down the stairs, Tasha at your heels. The tree sparkled in the early morning light, even though the string lights were unplugged. 

Grabbing the plug, you crouched down and looked for the circuit. (see? I know fancy words, too. Def did not use autocorrect for that) when you found it, you plugged it in, lighting up the whole tree. 

"Open it," you said, pushing it closer to her. She did. 

"Oh- oh my god, y/n." She said, "Is this. . . Us?" It was. It was a snow globe of you two, holding hands on a street filled with tall buildings tat were covered in Christmas lights. 

"Yeah. . ." You blushed, "i found this great local artist who likes to make snow globes, and. . . I thought of you." 

"Aww, thank you. That is so sweet." She kissed you, only stopping when Thor cleared his throat loudly. 

"My turn. This one is for you, from me." Natasha said, smiling. 

"Close your eyes," she said."

"And now. . . Open them."

She was there, a nervous smile on her face. Down on one knee. Tears rushed to your eyes. 

"Yes," you whispered, earning a couple laughs from the rest of the team. 

"Hey, i have to propose first, silly!" She said, a bit less nervous than before. "Y/n m/n l/n, i have loved you since the moment i met you. will you marry me?"

"Yes. Oh, yes yes yes. Yes." You just couldnt say it enough times. Yes. Yes. Yes. 

You said it until she shut you up by putting her lips on yours. 

On Christmas morning, you kissed your girl. 

I did not re read this but i got sappy towards the end. Idek what happened but this was supposed to be shorter. Word count 878 words. 

Hope ur enjoying ur holidays

I hate the new wattpad update it makes the replies look all weird. 

 - Cori 

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