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Plz i just need Natasha rn 🥺😢

Your girlfriend hit you with that electric thingy and you fell to the ground. Struggling from the shock, you got up and ran towards the cliff.

Natasha will live Natasha will live.

Natasha tackled you, sending you both tumbling off the cliff. At the last minute you grabbed on to a tree branch (idk?) jutting out from the side of the cliff. Your other hand wrapped around Natasha's wrist. 

"Natty- please," you said, tears running down your face. 

"Y/n," she whispered calmly, "let me go,"

"No! N-natasha-" you sobbed, gripping her wrist tighter. 

"I love you, y/n," she said, "but you need to let me go."

"Please." You met her eyes.

"It's okay," she whispered. 

And then she fell.

-not a time skip but not not a time skip-

You shot out of bed, your heart pounding in your chest. It slowed a little when you realized that Natasha was next to you, still asleep and breathing. 

You quietly snuck out to get a glass of water and clear your head, tiptoeing so you wouldn't wake Natasha. When you got back she was still asleep, her chest rising and falling rhythmically. You crawled into bed trying not to wake her up. 

"Y/n?" You heard her say.


"Yeah, Tasha?" 

"Why are you up?" She asked, concern spreading across her face in the dark.

"I had a nightmare," you confessed. 

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Well. . ." You took a deep breath, "there was a cliff and- we were there. And you- you. . ."  You buried your face in her shoulder with a sob. 

"Shh, shh. . . Its okay, y/n, it's okay." She hugged you. <3

"Tasha. . . I've had that same dream before. I could never, ever, ever . . ." You cried harder, "lose you." 

"Don't worry, y/n" she said, "I'm not going anywhere. It wasn't real." She kissed your forehead, "it was just a dream."

You pulled the covers over you and Natasha's shoulders, suddenly cold. 

"Just sleep, y/n. I'm right here, I'll protect you." 

And your fell asleep with Natasha's arms wrapped around your shoulders.

Well... i think i did pretty well? I started this after watching endgame (again) at like two AM. Then i wrote it down on wattpad (i started it on paper) today. 

Do you think it should have been Clint or Natasha who, y'know, didnt come back from vormir? Or should it have been somebody else?



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