Blind Date

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This probably wont be very good, its the first Scarjo one. You are a big fan of her and she is your celebrity crush. So basically like real life but you meet her.

Note: this probably wont be very accurate. 

You sat down at a table at the cafe. It was 12:00, and you were still waiting for your date.

Your blind date. 

You had chatted with her a bit over text and she seemed pretty nice,  but you had never seen her and you still didnt know her name. Your friend had set you up, mainly because she was sick of you asking her about when she had worked with Scarlett Johansson in the avengers cast. She probably just wanted to get you away from her for a hot minute so she could spend some time with her wife, Florence Pugh.

"Hey, are you Y/N?" A familiar voice asked. You looked up to see that you blind date was. . . Ohmygod, it was SCARETT FREAKING INGRID FREAKING JOHANSSON 

"Yes, and you are. . ." 

"Your blind date," she answered with a smirk.

"What an unusual name," you flirted back.

-that one awkward time skip-

The rest of the date went perfectly, better than you could ever have dreamed. When you finished dinner, you walked for hours in the park nearby. You talked about everything and nothing, she told you everything but her name. 

-awkward transition to when you have to leave-

Later, at like 2am (you talked for a while) you both decided it was time to go. 

"Text me later?" Scarlett asked, "i want to make sure you get home safe."

"Only if you do, too."  You laced your fingers through hers. Yo wanted to kiss her. Would you dare? 

Fuck it, you would

You brought your lips closer to hers. Closer, closer, closer. . .

And then there must have been butterflies and fireworks exploding in your heart and lips and ______ (anyone who has seen Heartstopper crack will get that reference) because she closed the distance and kissing Scarlett Johansson was ahmazing and your heart was beating faster and faster and- 

Then Scarlett seemingly tore her lips from yours and ran away. as she was running she turned around and yelled, "BY THE WAY, MY NAME'S SCARLETT. SCARLETT JOHANSSON."

"CALL ME LATER" you yelled back, hoping she heard you.

It didnt matter, she would call you anyways.

Feeling pretty confident there, ngl. I literally just threw this together in like 5 minutes of post- endgame (i just watched it like 5 hours ago) depression. Everything about her death was just fucking wrong. She should have DIED LIKE SHE WANTED TO WITH A NICE VIEW AND HER FAMILY AND ALL THAT SHIT! SHE SHOULD HAVE DIED HAPPY AND OH MY FUCKING GOD, HAVE YOU SEEN THE WAY SHE LOOKED BEFORE SHE DIED? LIKE SHE WAS HOT AND SHIT (like she normally is) BUT HER EYES


Normal nat eyes:

When she knows she will die / already dead eyes:

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When she knows she will die / already dead eyes:

When she knows she will die / already dead eyes:

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  - Cori 

Also what would y'all think about a part 2?

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