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I wrote this from 2:40AM-4:00AM on paper last night. It is fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff.

You heard your bedroom door creaking open. You looked up, eyebrows creased because really, that door should not be opened at 2:43 AM. 

The love of your life walked in, suitcase in tow, looking completely worn out. You jumped off of your made bed to greet her in happy surprise. When she saw you standing before her, her eyes widened in bewilderment, but she still released the handle of her luggage to give you a hug. 

"Scarlett, baby," you said, hugging her shorter form tightly, "I thought that your flight landed at six?"

"I got a different one," Scarlett admitted, "I wanted to surprise you when you woke up next to me." 

You smiled your goofy lovesick smile and gave her a quick kiss, eager to cuddle with her after three long weeks apart. 

"Wait wait wait," Scarlett released your shoulders, "what were you doing up?" You smiled sheepishly.

"I was afraid I wouldnt hear my alarms, so I was just gonna stay up. I knew that you'd be tired because of the jet lag, so i was just gonna sleep in the morning with you." You explained.

Then, it was her turn to, despite her tiredness, grin a goofy smile and press a quick kiss to your lips. When she pulled away, she looked at you with tired, happy eyes. Yes, still tired, but completely glowing with love.

She pulled out her hair tie so that her rumpled blonde hair could cascade freely over her shoulders, making you grin at how much you had missed the way that her hair framed her face. You looked at her and, while some might have said messy, you swore she looked like an angel in this light. 

You and Scarlett crawled into bed, wrapped around each other, with your head tucked under her chin. Although no one guessed it by looking at you two through a screen, she was ultimately your protector, as well as your world, your everything, and your love.

Scarlett tightened her arms around you.

"Don't worry," you whispered, "im not going anywhere."

I wrote a bonus!! You dont have to read it but here it is...

Bonus (angst cause i really woke up today and chose violence):

The camera clicked off, all of the optimal content captured. He walked away, connecting the camera to his phone to upload the videos as he walked to his car. When his phone turned on, the usual flurry of notifications loaded. Questioning him, accusing him of faking the content, and voicing their shock that nobody had noticed how two of Hollywood's actresses could be covering up something this big. He would show them. He just needed to film more videos, and then everybody would know. 

Bonus is over! I wrote this based off of what i was wishing would happed to my own life at the moment (minus the stalker 🫣)

Anyways hows liiiife. My school started.

Please comment if you have anything to say!


- Cori 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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