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Mother y/n?

As a rule, Natasha Romanoff didn't get sick.

A self- proclaimed rule, obviously. 

So when she woke up with the sneezes and the sniffles, of course she brushed  it off as allergies. You didn't believe a word of it, but okay. 

"You are not going to work." You stated. 

"Y/n, its just seasonal allergies. I'm fine." She pleaded. 

"Natasha Romanoff, you'd better get back in bed this instant or else." You totally knew what or else was. 

"Fine. . . But im not sick, its just allergies!"

"Suuuree. Now get in bed." She reluctantly sulked back to bed while you called in sick for her. 

"Be sure to tell them that its just allergies! I am not sick!" She yelled over your shoulder. 

-time skip-

"Y/n! Have some shame, the least you can do after confining me here is come and cuddle with me!" Natasha yelled. You sighed and, because she was literally the cutest in the world, crawled int bed with her. 

"Tasha! Do you feel alright? You're hot-"

"You're just telling me I'm hot after I've been your girlfriend for two years? Seriously?" She mock- scolded.

"Nat, you know thats not what i meant. I mean, you are hot, but- i mean- i-" you spluttered and Natty laughed. 

-another time skip due to lack of inspiration-

You must have fallen asleep, because you opened your eyes and natasha was snoring softly, clinging onto your arm like a koala. You smiled a bit, wrapping your free arm around her. 

"Natasha," you whispered, knowing that she couldn't hear you but talking anyways, "i love you so much." 

She must have been partially awake, because she murmured quietly, "i love you too, y/n."

Im thinking maybe of a sequel where natasha pretends to 'have allergies' just so she can stay home with y/n again. Should i do it?


   - Cori 

Natasha Romanoff  and Scarlett Johansson x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now