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Uhh i find myself currently unable to write anything but angst BUT i really want to write fluff so compromise ig?

Today, you were going to do it. You were going to ask out the girl of your dreams. Specifically, Natasha Romanoff. 

You were gonna snag her attention when she wasn't busy, and then casually ask her out. Or maybe you would just plain and simple ask her, in front of everybody. Oh my god, what if she said no? She was gonna say no. Ohhhh my god, you could not do this. 

Nah, what do you have to lose?

Oh right, your friendship with Natasha. Not to mention your dignity. 

Platonic is better than nothing.  

Why did you even care?

Oh yeah, 'cause she's Natasha.

Screw this, JUST ASK HER OUT. If she rejected you, at least you would have tried. 

-time skip with a side of eggos-

"Hey, Natasha?" You asked nervously, "can i talk to you for a sec? Um, in private?"

"Sure," she said, seeming totally at ease, "what's up?" By now the two of you had reached the hallway. 

"Um, i- uh, i reallyreally like you and willyoupleasemaybegooutonadatewithme?" You rushed. You resisted the urge to squeeze your eyes shut and somehow worked up the courage to meet her eyes you braced yourself for surprise, maybe even anger. Natasha had come out to you at the beginning of your friendship, when she wasn't ready to be all public about liking girls, like you. The two of you had always had a strong bond, and you had absolutely freaked out when you realized you felt more. 

When you looked into Natasha's eyes they were teary. And she was smiling. And-

"Yes, y/n, of course, always, yes. Oh my god, i thought- you really like me? I-"

"Oh my god, Tasha, it's always been you. Honestly, i never thought that you would like me back." Both of you were crying now. You looked at Natasha, the girl you never thought would like you back, and her tear stained eyes and radiant smile. 

You pulled her closer to you, butterflies erupting in your stomach as your lips locked.

In that moment, neither of you cared if somebody saw.

You only cared about each other.

Aaaaauuuuggggghhhh i finished my day by watching endgame and MY SOUL HURTS

Who do you think is the best character in the MCU?



Natasha Romanoff  and Scarlett Johansson x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now