I still love you

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Scarlett was a whirlwind. Scarlett was a summer breeze. Scarlett was the one real thing in your life.

Saying that Scarlett wasn't a force of nature in her own would be a lie. She swept you off your feet the moment that you met her, all peppered kisses and moonlight walks. Your three months of happiness were the best three months of your life.

They didn't feel quite so happy right now. 

Two weeks. Two weeks ago, your phone had lit up with a text from Scarlett. Grinning happily and thinking, i wouldnt trade this feeling for anything, you unlocked your phone to see what she had sent you.

The joy in your chest dissolved immediately as you read the text.

We need to talk, the text said,

Okay, you replied, I'm free to talk right now. You had nothing left to do that day, and you had just finished with work.

You weren't going to lie to yourself and pretend that you weren't nervous. Your heart shook in your chest, your brain barely able to function.

Still, looking at the positive side of thing and denying your worst thoughts, you hurried to distract yourself.

You cleaned your kitchen. Beat every level of some dumb game. Wrote every word that you could remember of your high school graduation speech.

All while your phone was sitting beside you, with the volume turned all the way up, with you anxiously glancing at it.

It had been at least two hours already, right?


Scrambling to grab your phone, you unlocked it to see. . .


Hey honey, you coming over for dinner tonight?

Hastily typing back, not tonight, but thanks, you sighed and put your phone back down.

Okay. . . Deep breaths. . . Come on, what's the worst thing that could happen?

You hastily scribbled down the first thing that came to mind for each letter

Asking someone else out


No. You couldnt write that. You didnt even want to think that.

Sighing, you got back to distracting yourself.

Thirty minutes later, after scratching and biting all of your nail polish off, you had run out of things to distract yourself with.

Everything you did just reminded yourself of scarlett.

Your phone rang with a call- from Scarlett? 

Nope. A scammer.

You sighed and began to binge a show.

An hour and a half later, you decided that enough was enough- you needed to text scarlett. 

You were afraid to.


But, it could just be nothing. You could be overreacting.

Hey, are u still there? You typed.

You were about to click send when a message from her appeared. 

I'm so sorry, it read, i just cant date you anymore. It's not the right time for me to have a relationship. 

There was a whole other paragraph explaining why she couldnt be with you. Your eyes blurred  few sentences in.

A tear slipped out.

You were shocked



When a tear slipped out, your eyes cleared just enough for you to type a short and simple okay

But apparently that wasn't enough for Scarlett.




We can still be friends, right?



Yeah, i think so,

That was another lie.

Well, they say that what you put out there is what's inside of you, so i guess that im struggling 😅



Natasha Romanoff  and Scarlett Johansson x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now