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When Haigoku wakes up, he finds a note beside him. He also finds that his scratches and bruises have been healed. Haigoku picks up the note and reads it.

Note :

Haigoku, hope you had a good rest. I've asked someone to heal your wounds so you should be better now. I was hoping you could do a small errand for me while I take the guild out for a raid. There will be a package below your bed. It is for my brother. Don't question why I don't want to give it to him myself. Just deliver it to him. He is Yumemiro,  leader of the Haven Guild. You can use the map I've provided on the box to navigate your way there. Just place the box at the counter and tell them who is it for. That's all, thanks.

P.S you're currency is on the table.

- Akumo

Haigoku is surprised. He did give him currency. A bag of coins lies on the table, waiting to be collected. He is also amazed at how he got someone to heal his wounds for him. Haigoku thought that he would not bother but his caring action, made Haigoku feel like Akumo was a good person. Either way, the least he could do to repay his kindness is to do this errand. Haigoku gets up from his bed goes over to the table. He places a hand over the bag, and the currency gets converted. A screen appears in front of him, showing the new amount of currency he had. Haigoku closes the screen and goes over to pick up the package.

The package felt quite heavy. There must be some kind of heavy object inside. Haigoku uses his magic to levitate the map on the box, and moves it in front of him. That way he can use both hands to carry the box safely. It was time to set off. Out of the base he went, and following the directions given, he sets off for Haven Guild. Haigoku walks and walks, staring at the map all the way. He is very focused and makes sure to follow directions carefully. The male seems great at multitasking as he looks at the map, and takes quick glances over it to make sure he is heading the right direction and to not bump into anybody 

After searching for a while, Haigoku finally arrives at the front of Haven Guild's building. He checks it against the map before walking in. The male assumes that the counter is just going to be left of the entrance and he could leave quickly. However, that was not the case. The moment Haigoku entered the building, he is met with an astounding sight. An entire long, stairway led up to several floors. And each floor had tons of people running about to and fro. Everyone looked hectic and it seemed like chaos. Haigoku was stunned. It took him a minute to snap put of the trance and get back to his objective. The male keeps the map in his pocket and tries to find some kind of directory that will lead him to the counter.

First, he takes a look around. No counter in sight. Just people running around and a lot of hallways leading to somewhere. Then he searches for a directory. With all the people running around the place, it was hard to even see if there was even one. Haigoku squints his eyes and tries to look beyond the crowd, while trying not to get hit by all the running people. However, to no avail. There was no directory or counter in sight. Looks like Haigoku would have to navigate the place himself. He finds it a pain in the ass, but the errand must be done. Haigoku wanders around the ground floor for a while before heading up the stairs to the second floor. He does some wandering there and finds no counter in sight.

Haigoku turns to head back to the stairs before he realizes that he had gotten himself lost. The male had no idea where he is now (besides being in a busy hallway). Haigoku tries to find his way back by retracing his steps, but had gotten himself even more lost. He was now stuck in a maze of hallways and people. The male begins to panic. He is unsure of what to do until he feels someone tap on his shoulder. He jumps immediately.

Haigoku : Ah!

??? : Sorry, did I scare you?

It was a male with pitch black hair. He had a casual, all black look with yellow eyes. Actually one of his yellow eyes had a blue tint. Blue streaks come down from his eyes. Upon closer listening, Haigoku could hear that the other's voice was slightly glitchy.

Haigoku : It's fine...

Male : Are you looking for the counter?

Haigoku : Ah yes! I have this package for uh...Yumemiro!

Male : Ah I see. Follow me.

Haigoku was extremely delighted. He had found his savior. He begins following the male as he led the way. After some time, they finally reach the counter and Haigoku places his package. He had finished the errand. Haigoku felt so satisfied. This was definitely worth it.

Haigoku : Thanks for the help.

Male : No problem. Next time, just remember it's on the fourth floor to the right.

Haigoku : Got it.

Haigoku leaves soon after and the male watches him leave. He lets a sigh.


The male almost tumbles over because a certain someone pounced onto his back. It was Nozomi.

Machigai : What do you want?

He says this in a slightly annoyed tone. Nozomi gets off Machigai and gives him a bright smile.

Nozomi : I missed you so much!!

Machigai : Yeah yeah I know.

Nozomi : Let's have dinner together! I know a place with extremely good food! It even has your favourites!

Machigai : Sure.

Nozomi : Yay!

Nozomi jumps up and down in excitement before pulling Machigai with him. He continues chatting to the other as he led the male away. Machigai seems to be half listening and half not listening. This was because he was thinking about something.

- so that's their Kijiya huh? -

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