Chapter 7

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How is it possible? How can she look exactly like mom?

The blonde hair and the face features are exactly like mom's. Her eyes are a light blue, just like dad's.

What does this mean? If she looks like mom and dad then she must be their daughter, right? But how can that be possible?

Mom died during child birth. Then how can this girl exist? There are a lot of questions, I need answers for. 


I thought to go for a DNA check before taking the girl in, but after looking at her , I am sure she is my sister.

But what about.....

First we need to go home then I can investigate about all this.

I quickly composed myself and noticed the girl staring at me. The moment she realized I came out of my trance, she looked down. Maybe she's scared. That's a very normal reaction. My siblings say I have such effect on people.

I quickly completed all the formalities and we got into the limo to get to the airport. I introduced myself to her and she introduced herself. I could clearly see that she was nervous and sacred. 

After a while, she started looking out of the window. I stared at her for a few minutes, trying to digest the fact that she is indeed mom and dad's daughter, my sister.

I looked away and started working on my laptop. I sent her information and picture to one of my people to investigate about her past and all the events since her birth.

Looking at her, I realize there's a bigger situation I will have to deal with after reaching home.

I just hope...

After our long journey, we reached home. She seemed mesmerized. The house indeed is mesmerizing, built in the form of a palace with a little tint of modernization.

We walked inside and I asked Sofia to show her a guest room until her room gets ready. They walked away and I went to my home office.

I asked John to call all my siblings to my office. I also told Sofia to tell Arianna to stay in her room until called out. I don't want anyone to know about her before me informing them.

After a few minutes, Dylan, the third oldest, walked in with a bored expression.

"What is it that you want to talk at this time when we should be having dinner?", he asked with a frown.

"Let everyone come. There's an important news.", I replied with my usual cold, emotionless tone.

"Don't tell me dad's coming here!", he scowled. I ignored his comment.

Then came in the twins, Ace and Ashton. They didn't say anything and settled on the couch in the office.

Next walked in Theo, the second oldest.

"Vince, where have you been the whole day? I got to know you didn't want us to know where you were. What's so important and personal that you wouldn't want even me to know?", he questioned with a deep frown etched on his face.

Always the protective type!

"I'll tell you. Let the princess come.", I replied.

"You called angel to this part of the house? What's so important, Vince?", he questioned me.
I sighed, "Let her come, Theo.".

He understood the seriousness of the situation and sat on the chair opposite to mine.
"What's so important that you'd call angel to the West wing?", this time it was Ace. I ignored them and waited for Lina to come.

After a few moments, she walked in. As she walked in, she smiled at us, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.


The biggest regret of my life, the incident three years ago. Many things changed since then. If only I was.....

She walked in and sat opposite to me, beside Theo. He patted her head and she smiled at him. I could see the same pain in his eyes as I hold in mine whenever I look at her.

Moreover, the news I'm going to relay might just make matters worse. I don't know how they are going to react, but I've made my decision in case anything goes wrong.

"I have a news for everyone.", I said.

"Isn't that why we're here.", commented Dylan.

"I would appreciate if no one interferes while I'm talking.", with the tone I used, they got the sign that I'm dead serious. The room went utterly silent after that. Though they are my siblings, they know not to cross me. Good for them.

"I got a call today from the police station informing me, we have a sister and that her DNA matched with dad's. They asked if I would take her in as they couldn't reach dad.", I said and paused.


"Are you serious?"

"A sister!!"

"We have another sister?"

I took in their reactions silently. The only one who didn't react is Lina. She looked shocked but didn't say anything.

I continued, ignoring their reactions, "I went there to get a DNA check and bring her home if she really is our sister.".

"Well, is she our sister?", asked Theo.

"She is."

"So  did you bring her home?", this time it was Ace.

"I did.".

"Whose kid is she. Who's her mother? Why didn't we know of her all this time? How old is she?", Dylan bombarded me with questions.

I replied calmly, "I don't have answers for all the questions. As far as I know, she's fourteen years old and she looks exactly like mom and her eyes are like dad.".

They all froze in their places, probably trying to process the information. Slowly their expression turned from blank to shocked to tensed.

Theo came out of the shock first and asked, "How's that possible? Does that mean..."

By now,

Everyone's looking at Angelina.


So, here's the next chapter.

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How do you think would Angelina react to the news?

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Yours lovingly,


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