Chapter 48

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"We are under attack!", Angel said tensed and panic rose in my chest.

"W-What attack? Who are they?", I asked exasperatedly and we heard another gun shot.

"Miss, I need you both to sit tight. I am going to have to drive fast.", Josh said looking at the cars behind us in the rear view mirror.

"Okay.", Angel replied and looked at me and I nodded.

Josh suddenly increased the speed of the car and it was so fast that I wouldn't be surprised if I throw up.

Maybe the people behind us didn't expect Josh to drive so insanely fast all of a sudden. We, for now, are far ahead of them and temporarily lost sight of them. Josh made a steep turn at the curve of the hill and stopped the car.

Angel and I almost got smashed to the door of the car, despite putting on the seat belt.

Josh got out of the car and opened our door.

"Miss, I need both of you to run as fast as possible to the garage on the other side of this forest. There is no way we can get out of this unscathed and this is the best way to at least get you a head start.", Josh said hurriedly and signaled us to come out fast.

"What about you?", Angel asked.

"I'll buy you some time, Miss. Once you reach the garage, you will be safe. You can inform boss from there.", Josh said looking at Angel.

"But-", Angel started but Josh cut her off by just gently shoving us towards the forest.

"There's no much time, Miss. You have to leave immediately. They will be here in no time.", Josh said and Angel nodded.

"Be safe, Mr. Josh.", she said and he gave her a curt nod.

What the hell is going on here!

Angel looked at me, grabbed my hand and we took off into the forest.

"What's going on, Angel?", I asked her while running.

"We are in danger. No matter what, we should never get in their hands.", she said and we kept running.

"But who are they? What do they want?", I asked between heavy breathing.

"Bad people. And they want a way to hurt our family. Which, right now, is us.", she said.

"But-", I started but she shushed me.

"We need to keep running. We'll talk once we get to the other side.", she whispered between her hard breathing.

Suddenly we heard gun shots and I closed my ears tightly.

I just want this to stop. I am scared. 


I am petrified.

We heard footsteps and I realized there are people following us.

"God! We are late.", Angel exclaimed.

We heard the footsteps getting closer and my panic started rising.

What do these people want?

My panic started rising and I couldn't focus on my footsteps properly. 

A moment later, I tripped on a twig, twisted my ankle and fell on my knees.

"Ahh!", I hissed.

Angel stopped running and immediately knelt before me.

"Are you okay?", she asked breathing heavily.

I couldn't answer due to the exhaustion and pain.

"You should go.", I said.

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