Chapter 40

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After speaking to Vince, I ran to my room and closed the door breathing heavily.

What was that?

Why was Vince so cool about it?

I so openly defied him.

Yet he didn't lash out. Neither did he seem upset about it.

I expected at least he would scold me or warn me. But he looked absolutely okay with what I said.

Could dad be right about them not hurting me?

No. I should wait and watch for a few more days before judging. I can't trust them blindly.

I sighed.

Whatever it is, I'll deal with it tomorrow. I am already exhausted with all the overthinking I did for the whole day.

I slept for the day and woke up next morning as usual.

I completed my morning routine and walked to the dining room.

As usual Theo made me a coffee.

The unusual thing is as soon as Dylan sat at the dining table he gave me a nod as a form of greeting and I nodded back awkwardly.


I felt so awkward!

Just like always Ace greeted me with a smile and I smiled back. But the next thing that happened shocked me to my core.

"Good morning, Arianna.", Ash greeted me in an emotionless voice with a curt nod.

I was shocked.


Did Ash really greet me?

Am I dreaming?

I kept staring at him wide eyed and he kept staring back at me with a stoic face. Theo cleared his throat bringing me out of my state of shock.

"Will you not greet him back, princess?", Theo said amused and I cleared my throat awkwardly.

"Good morning.", I said awkwardly and my cheeks turned pink due to embarrassment.

No one said anything and the breakfast went on normally. Angelina, just like yesterday greeted everyone but refused to meet my eyes. The dark circles under her eyes are getting more and more prominent.

Is she not sleeping daily?

She looks more and more exhausted each passing day. I need to talk to her about why she is avoiding me. 

Breakfast went as usual and Ash is driving me to school.

I wonder why it is always Ash who is dropping and picking me up from school. At least if it is Ace, he speaks to me and the drive would be less boring. But I don't know why but I'm struck with Ash.


After a while, Ash cleared his throat and I stiffened but didn't turn to him.

"Arianna", he called me with his usual emotionless voice.

I turned towards him and hummed.

He didn't speak anything for a while and turned away.

Why did he call me?

I don't know.

Maybe to scold me about yesterday. But I will tell him the same thing as yesterday. Somehow Vince not lashing out at me gives courage to defy Ash.

He cleared his throat again and I ignored him.

"Arianna", he called again and this time I heard some hesitance in his voice.

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