Chapter 52

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"Today, he was there in the forest.", I said, still staring at the sky.

"Who?", Vince asked seriously.

"The one they call Marco.", I said and took a deep breath.

"Marco was there in the forest today?", Vince asked, a hint of surprise in his voice.

"I didn't see him but I did hear his voice.", I said.

"Why has not one person informed me about this?", Vince thought out loud.

"Maybe he left before anyone could see him or maybe I just imagined his voice.", I said, still not looking at him.

"He was so close, yet I couldn't get my hands on him.", Vince muttered and I could sense a hint of frustration in his voice.

After that both of us sat in silence.

All the thoughts running in my brain are making me restless, so to stop the unnecessary thoughts, I decided it is better to divert my mind.

I looked at Vince and he was still staring at the ceiling.

"I'm hungry.", I said and he looked at me.

"You weren't so hungry when Theo insisted a few hours ago.", Vince stated and his usual stoic face is back.

"I wasn't hungry then. I am hungry now.", I said with a pout and crossed my hands below my chest.

Vince shook his head and stood up.

He walked out of the room and I started to follow him. Before walking out, he turned around and looked at my injured hand.

"Put on the sling, Lina.", he said.

I nodded and put on the sling.

It was quite uncomfortable and weird but there are somethings one should never defy Vince in.

One of them is health.

We walked to the dining room and the lights switched on automatically due to the sensors.

The guards would get notified about it, but they wouldn't mind right now. It is very common for us to walk into the kitchen at night.

Vince went into the open kitchen and picked up the utensils needed for cooking.

I settled myself on the kitchen counter and watched him picking out all the ingredients.

He put the pan on the electric stove and turned on the heat.

Yup, there are no gas stoves here. I mean there are gas stoves for the maids to cook for us, but this open kitchen is mainly for us to cook anything when we feel like. The maids cook for us at a separate kitchen.

And there are no gas stoves here because I'm scared of fire.



I am not in a position to relive those memories now.

Vince started boiling some water and engrossed himself in cooking.

All my brothers are great cooks and even Anna too. 


I felt a little bad that I'm not related to them by blood, but quickly pushed that thought aside.

After a while of silence, I couldn't bear the boredom and decided to start talking.

Silence for a long time damages my brain!

"You know, Vince, you should find yourself a girl.", I said swinging my legs and looking at him cooking.

He stopped for a second but continued cooking after that.

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