Chapter 105

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Third Person POV

Reece Mansion

"What happened, Easton?", Katherina asked, walking into the room.

Easton was sitting on the chair beside the bed where Angelina was sleeping.

As Rose, Angelina's therapist, realized that the girl was slipping into an acute panic attack, she sedated her mildly so as to let her sleep to calm her nerves down.

Easton was too worked up seeing Angelina that way and walked out with her in his arms and left the clinic without uttering a single word to the therapist.

They were now home. 

Katherina rushed home from the office as soon as she was informed about the hospital incident.

She walked to Angelina and sat beside her on the bed.

Katherina gently caressed her niece's hair with worry written all over her face.

"Mrs. Harpin sedated her when she was on the verge of a panic attack.", Easton informed calmly, he himself was worried sick.

"Hmm. Let's talk outside, Tony. Let Angelina sleep for a while.", Katherina said calmly, earning a nod from her son.

She kissed her niece gently on the forehead and walked out followed by her son, closing the door gently.

The mother and son walked to her study in complete silence, each immersed in their own thoughts.

As they reached the study, Katherina took her seat and her son sat opposite to her on the other side of the large table.

"Rose told me bits of what happened, but she refused to disclose what Angelina was talking about. Do you have any idea as to what it might be?", Katherina asked her son calmly.

"It must be about her kidnapping which happened a few years ago.", Easton guessed.

"Kidnapping?", Katherina asked, shocked.

"Yes, mom. She was kidnapped three years ago by some of the enemies of the Marinos.", Easton said, looking at his mother.

"No wonder! The family is involved in shady business behind the curtains.", Katherina said with a frown, anger evident in her eyes.

"That's not what ticked me off, mom, it was the fact that they took more than 2 weeks to get her out of captivity.", Easton said angrily.

Katherina looked at her son with widened eyes.

"Two weeks?", she asked, shocked, earning a nod from her son.

Katherina leaned back in her chair, disappointment and blazing anger swirling in her eyes.

She clenched her eyes tight to curb the immense anger that was surging through her.

"What else did you find out?", she asked, looking at her son seriously.

"Nothing more. The fact that they still had enough power to track her down, but yet took such a long time to rescue her is what confuses me.", Easton said with a frown.

"Could it be because they didn't care for Angelina and were least bothered to try?", Katherina thought out loud, anger bubbling in her at the very thought.

"That can't be, mom.", Easton said, looking at his mother.

Katherina raised her brow at her son, indicating to him to continue.

"I don't know how to say this, but Angelina's eldest brother didn't look like someone who didn't care about her. She was as important to him as his own siblings. At least that's what I concluded a month ago when I left her with them.", Easton said, slightly guilty over the fact that he had kept such a truth from his mother.

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