Chapter 46

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"Good night, princess.", I wished Aria, kissed on her forehead and walked out of her room closing the door.

I know that she is not asleep and I clearly noticed the tear streaks on her cheeks.


I feel bad for denying her outright. But, we don't want her to get into any trouble and we want to keep her as safe as possible.

But, I can't ignore her tears either.

So, right now here I am walking to Vince's office.

I walked to his office and barged in without knocking. We never knock while going to his office. If someone else does that, Vince would definitely not spare them, but of course he is used to our barging into his office.

Vince was seriously working on some file and didn't pay any attention to my sudden interruption. I walked in and plopped myself on the chair opposite to his.

"Vince, we have to talk.", I said.

"Talk.", he said, not taking his eyes off the file.

"I think we should let Aria go for the sleepover.", I said seriously and that got his attention.

He looked up at me and raised a brow.

"She wants to go and we can't outrightly deny her.", I said and Vince leaned back on his chair with his index finger under his chin.

"And is it safe to send her to this sleepover?", he asked calmly.

"I know why all of us are against this idea, but it is not necessary that what happened in the past will happen again.", I said.

"What are the chances that it won't happen again?", he asked with the same calm voice.

I sighed and looked away.

"You do know that it can happen again. Then why should I take chances?", he asked calmly.

"There is as much probability of not happening as there is for happening.", I said still not looking at him.

"You yourself are unsure about your stats. You do realize the kind of businesses we run, don't you? And you do know what kind of threats loom over us.", he stated calmly.

"But, what about Aria? You can't deny her the smallest of the things that a normal teenager does.", I said looking at him.

"The price we paid the last time something happened is too huge. Neither you nor I are ready to go through that again. So, I am not taking any chances regarding their safety.", he stated firmly.

I took a deep breath remembering the past. 

I definitely don't want the past to repeat!

But, again I can't ignore Aria's disappointment either.


I myself am conflicted about what to do. How am I going to convince Vince!

"Aria is trying to fight her past and live her life in a normal way. And she is just starting to trust us. Denying something so simple as a sleepover at a friend's house will surely impact the progress she made till now.", I said looking at him and he didn't say anything.

"You wanted all of your siblings to enjoy their teenage and live their life to the fullest, Vince. But, you yourself are not letting Aria do that.", I said and Vince still had a blank expression but I know that he is considering my thoughts.

"The sister who had refused to call us even when Ash left her in the middle of the road, has gained enough courage and trust to ask you for something. This is the first time Aria herself is asking for something and can you deny that?", I asked.

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