Chapter 93

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Third Person POV

"Anna", Angel whispered, looking at her sister.

Aria looked at Angel calmly.

Angel was worried that her sister would think negatively of her and thus started explaining herself.

"I didn't mean it that way, Anna. I-I was just I was just saying what I felt. I mean I didn't feel anything bad-", Angel was trying to explain herself in a hurry.

Aria listened to Angel's explanation with a frown.

Why was her sister in such a hurry to explain herself?

She would never think anything negative of her.

Aria knew her sister very well and was confused as to why Angel felt it necessary to give her an explanation.

Even if Angel said that the pendant of her mother belongs to her, Aria didn't mind.

What belongs to her belongs to her sister too!

If her aunt said that the pendant was for Aria, then it was as much Angel's as it was hers.

So, Aria didn't understand why Angel was in such a rush to explain herself.

"I really didn't ask for the pendant. I would never try to claim anything that belongs to you as mine. I-", Angel was still explaining.

Aria felt hurt at her sister's statement.

There's nothing that belongs to her and not her sister.

Most importantly, Aria felt that there was no need for Angel to give her any reasons.

She knows her sister inside out.

They never found the need to explain their words or actions to each other before.

Then why now?

Aria felt a pang in her chest thinking that maybe her one slip of tongue caused this distance between her and her sister.

She wanted Angel to stop explaining herself.

There was no need.

Aria trusted her sister more than anyone else and she wanted Angel to realize that and stop giving reasons.

Involuntarily, hurt flashed in Aria's eyes, halting Angel in her place.

Angel stopped talking once she saw a hurt flash in her sister's eyes.

She thought that Aria was hurt because she believed what her aunt said.

Angel's heart rate picked speed and she bit her lower lip to control her growing anxiety.

She wanted to shout to her sister to believe her and that it was getting harder each passing second to stay away from her and that she wouldn't be able to bear it if her sister comes to hate her one day.

But, somehow words died in her mouth.

She couldn't bring herself to utter anything.

The fear of seeing disappointment in Aria's eyes drove her to an edge.

Angel couldn't take the growing anxiety and fear of seeing her sister disappointed, so she hurriedly walked past Aria and ran out of the living room.

She rushed to her room and closed the door.

She slid down leaning on to the door and let the tears fall.

Things were getting harder for her.

Having to listen to the taunts and to bear the looks of contempt from the elders was tiring and hurting enough, but having to see her sister drifting away was painful beyond description.

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