Chapter 82

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Third Person POV

A day has passed by and now the doctors were an hour away from declaring Ash's condition as coma.

There was no improvement and the head doctor spoke to Vince and Theo in private about it.

Theo and Vince were in a tight spot. They couldn't disclose the truth to the others and neither could they let them get their hopes high only to get shattered later.

Theo was hurting inside and was tensed but he refused to show it out as he knew Vince already had a lot on his plate and he didn't want to add up to his troubles.

On the other hand, Vince knew Theo was suppressing his emotions to stay strong and he wasn't pleased with that.

Everyone needs to vent out their emotions and as long as he was around, Theo shouldn't find the need to hold his tensions and feelings tight.

He decided to talk to him for a while.

On the other hand, Ace was getting restless with each passing second and it didn't help his situation that the doctors weren't giving them any proper updates about Ash's condition. Or at least he thought so as his brothers didn't disclose anything that was being told to them.

Angel and Aria didn't sleep a wink the whole day and were as tensed as the rest of them. Vince wanted them to go home and come back after some time but he also knew they won't be at peace if they are sent home, so he let them be.

Dylan, on the other hand was anxious for two reasons, one for the brother that was lying unconscious and the other for the brother who was waiting for his twin with hope.

He didn't know how they would be able to hold together if something happened to Ash and he didn't even want to think how would Ace react if Ash didn't wake up in the next one hour.

As he was immersed in his thoughts, the sound of someone's footsteps broke his trance. Vince had told him to stay by his siblings for a while as he wanted to have a talk with Theo. So, he knew it was not either of his brothers.

He looked up and saw his father coming towards them with a stoic face.

Dylan clenched his jaw looking at his father and averted his eyes a moment later.

He didn't hate his father. No. But that didn't mean he admires the man either.

Aria looked up and found her father approaching them. She gently let go of Angel's hand and ran to him.

This was the first time she's facing a situation like this in her life. Earlier, she had no one to love and now when she had got a family, fate is trying to steal one of her brothers. She was hurt, anxious and above all scared.

As long as Vince was around, she had felt a sense of hope and security but the moment he walks out to deal with something, she was starting to get anxious all over again.

Now that her father has come, she sought that same comfort from him, so hugged him tightly.

Riccardo Marino had boarded his private jet to come to the hospital as soon as he heard about Ash's accident from Vince. He was anxious and concerned about his kids and he had been restless during the whole journey to the hospital.

As soon as he saw his daughter run to him, he wrapped his arms protectively around her and tapped her back gently to calm her down.

Dylan moved closer to Angel and held her hand. He didn't want her sitting alone. He understood Aria needed comfort and hoped his father could give her that. On the other hand, his father wouldn't give a damn about Angel and he didn't want her to bear anything on her own. Also, Angel always gets edgy and tensed around their father and he didn't want her to feel all that in the midst of such a situation.

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