Chapter 81

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*************************Read the note at the end of the chapter***********************

Third Person POV

"We'll declare he's in a coma.", the doctor said seriously, looking at Vince.

He has known the Marinos from a very long time, for almost more than fifteen years now.

He himself felt bad to inform them about their brother's critical condition but it was his duty.

The doctor's declaration came as a heavy blow to the Marinos.

Angel's breath hitched and she immediately held Theo's hand for support.

Aria couldn't process what the doctor was saying and subconsciously held Vince's sleeves with a trembling hand.

Dylan felt the ground beneath him slip. He couldn't believe his ears. What the hell was the doctor saying? His brother is stronger than that.

Theo had a hard time maintaining his stoic exterior. His heart started hammering more fast and loud but the hand that held on to him reminded him he was not in a position to lose his cool now. He had siblings looking up to him. He controlled his breathing and looked at Vince, the one person he can lean on and so desperately needed assurances from.

Ace went numb at the doctor's words. His feet started getting cold with fear and his breathing was getting heavy. He gritted his teeth to control his emotions but the pain in his chest was getting  more and more intense.

"There's a chance that Ash will be fine, right, doctor?", Vince's deep and firm voice startled everyone, bringing them out of their thoughts.

All of them looked at him but he was looking straight at the doctor.

"There's still 24 hours to decide his status, yes?", he asked and the doctor nodded with a faint frown.

"There's a possibility that he'll show improvement by then. Am I right?", Vince asked firmly.

"Yes, Mr. Marino.", the doctor answered, finally understanding what Vince was trying to do.

He was trying to give his siblings hope that they desperately are in need of.

Vince gave the doctor a curt nod and the doctor walked away after giving a quick nod, leaving the Marinos alone in the corridor.

Vince held Aria's trembling hand in his firmly. After a moment her hand stopped trembling and she held his hand even more tightly.

He then looked at all his siblings seriously.

"There's still quite a lot of probability for Ash to get better in the next 24 hours. He is stronger than we know and he'll definitely make it out of this in no time. So, I want each of you to not lose hope and try to stay calm until Ash shows improvement.", Vince said in a firm voice and with his usual stoic face.

"B-But w-w-what if-", Aria started in a voice choked up with emotions.

Vince gently guided her towards the seats and made her sit. He himself sat beside her and pulled her into his embrace.

He held her gently and tapped her back to calm her down. He could see how worked up she was getting and he can't have her go through a breakdown at this moment. 

Everyone has to stay strong and he will make sure they do.

"Ash will be alright, Aria.", Vince said calmly with a soft edge to his tone.

She snuggled closer to him and he gently tapped her head.

After a few moments, when he noticed that she had considerably calmed down, he made her look up at him.

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