Chapter 103

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Third Person POV

Marino Mansion, Italy

It was the evening of Christmas, but the house was quiet.

Bianca was badly shaken listening to her granddaughter's words and the underlying bitterness in her tone.

When Nina composed herself and proposed to talk to Aria, Bianca declined, saying it was not the right time.

She didn't want to provoke her granddaughter at a moment like the present.

On the other hand, the doctor sedated Aria when she was going breathless and her hands slightly turned cold from panic.

Before Vince could say anything, Theo said he would stay with Arianna and the rest of them could leave.

Dylan and Ash were stubborn and refused to leave her side after seeing her breakdown.

Ace as always settled in the room without speaking a word.

Fio and Luce stayed back too. They were a little shook seeing the painful breakdown of their little sister.

Vince realized he was not welcome and his brothers probably might want him to leave. He felt a little disheartened and left the room, deciding to come stay by his sister's side at night.

Aurelio just stood frozen, unable to shake off the events of the day.

Vince decided to leave the house and catch some fresh air to think properly about his decisions and thoughts.

He walked out of the house and was going to drive by himself, but Cavin requested to tag along for the sake of his security.

Vince nodded and Cavin drove him to the lake side.

Vince stepped out of  the car and walked a long distance towards the lake.

It was almost sunset and the sky was orange in color.

Vince sat a few feet away from the edge of the lake.

He stared at the calm water and the orange sky.

This was one of those places he loved visiting with his mother as a child.

This place had always soothed his nerves, but today, it was only making him increasingly restless.

He removed his blazer and placed it aside and rolled up his sleeves.

He then calmly laid down flat on the ground with one of his hands placed on his forehead and slowly closed his eyes.

The soft breeze and the silence lured him into a dream.


"Vince, slow down, you'll fall.", a woman who looked to be in her early thirties called out.

"Mom, it's almost time for the sunset. I don't want to miss it.", a young boy of eight yelled, running towards the lake.

"Mom's tired, hon, slow down.", Claire said, breathing heavily.

That made the boy stop.

"Are you okay, mom?", he asked, concerned, running back to her.

"I'm fine, Vince, I'm just a little exhausted.", Claire said with a smile.

"Let's go home, mom, you need to rest.", little Vince said, worried.

"Don't worry, I will never be tired from spending time with my little warrior.", Claire said with a soft chuckle.

"But-", he tried to protest.

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