Chapter 22

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"What are you doing, Angelina?", I halted my actions, listening to the voice.

It is Ash.

I didn't hear anything after that. Maybe she didn't answer him.

"I am asking you something, Angel.", Ash said, his voice a little firm.

No answer.

"Angel, stand up. Don't sit on the floor.", this time it is Ace.

I am surprised, in such short time, I could recognize their voices without seeing them.

Still no answer.

"Angelina, stop wasting your time. Go watch TV or do some craft of yours.", Ash said in a firm tone.

No answer yet.

"Angelina, this is the last time I'm telling you nicely.", Ash warned.

Still no answer.

If he used that voice on me, I would have already done what he said. Probably because I'm an outsider and they are a family. They might not hurt each other but they won't hesitate to hurt me.


"That's it. You asked for it.", Ash declared and for a second I just heard the sound of footsteps.

Maybe he is walking away. No. The sound is increasing. It means he is walking towards the door. More like towards Angelina.

Will he hit her for disobeying?

No. I don't want that to happen. She is a nice person. She just tried to make me feel better. I don't want her to get hurt because of me. Should I go out and apologize on behalf of her? Will it make matters worse? Will they hurt me for interfering in their family?

I was getting tensed, not understanding what to do. Just then I heard a squeal. That snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Ash, put me down!", Angelina squealed.

"You asked for it, princess.", Ash replied in a calm tone.

"Put me down this instant!", Angelina exclaimed.

"No. I already gave you enough chances.", Ash said.

Their voices were getting softer as the seconds are passing. Probably they were moving away from my room.

"Ace!", she yelled.

Ace chuckled, "Don't drag me in this, angel.".

"Anna, I'll come again later. They are forcefully taking me away. Just know that I'll be there anytime you want to talk to me. If you open your door this moment, the offer to share my part of ice cream still stands!", she was literally shouting.

I chuckled at that. She is still trying to talk to me. I smiled. She is definitely a lovely person, just as Theo and Sofia said.

I could hear faint yelling and laughing sounds. Ash must still be carrying Angelina. Most probably over his shoulder.

I sighed.

They are siblings. A family. I am an outsider to them. But Angelina called me family. Was that just to make me feel better?

But she sounded genuine and not just bluffing something. She may consider me a part of the family because I'm biologically their sister, but I doubt if I can ever be part of their family? I wonder if the guys would ever consider me their family? I wonder if I could ever be with them like Angelina is?


I went to the small backpack I brought with me from my old house and took out a book from it. If I start thinking so much, I'm sure I'll get depressed. So it is better to read something than overthink.

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