Chapter 25

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"Who would want to be friends with her!", Julia rolled her eyes.

I frowned.

What's that supposed to mean?

"Why?", I asked.

"Who would want to be friends with an entitled snob!", Julia said.


Are they calling Angelina a snob?

Do they even know her!

"How do you know she is a snob?", I asked with a frown.

"It's just what everyone thinks.", Mae answered, sipping her milkshake.

Why does everyone think that?

"Why?", I questioned further.

"We don't know why exactly, but, we do know that she's very dangerous! Very with a capital V!", Leah said stressing the word 'very'.


How is Angelina dangerous?

What nonsense are these people even speaking?

She's the most harmless person! Moreover she's so good and kind!

I don't know why but I didn't like them talking about her like that. She's been good to me all through the time we knew each other. I had a frown on my face.

"Hey, where are you lost?", Leah snapped her fingers in front of my face. Oh! I think I zoned out.

"Nowhere. Umm, Why is she dangerous?", I asked.

"You're asking too many questions!", Julia huffed and kept munching the fries.

"Don't be rude, Jules!", Leah exclaimed while hitting Julia's arm and Julia didn't bother to answer.

Mae just shook her head and looked at me, 

"Because if you become her friend and mess up, you'll go missing.", she said.

What are these people talking about?

Why do they have to make it seem so mysterious?

Can't they answer my question completely?

I looked at Mae confused and she sighed.

"I already told you, her brothers are very powerful people, especially her eldest brother is a very influential man. Yes?", she asked and I nodded.

"So if you get to be her friend, but somehow in the future you mess things up with her, you and your family will go missing. Because her brothers are influential and no one would either care about the missing or they don't dare to.", she said, finally drinking her now cold coffee.

I understood they are influential, but to this extent, I didn't expect!

Is whatever these people saying true or are they just rumors?

Is being Angelina's friend really that dangerous?

Is she the kind of person who'd not bother if her friend goes missing?

While all these questions are running in my brain, I looked at Angelina. She was eating her lunch, while listening to music. She wasn't looking anywhere, but eating her lunch.

"Stop staring, Arianna.", Leah's voice broke me out of my thoughts and I averted my eyes from Angelina to Leah.

"Did something like that ever happen? The missing thing, I mean. Or are they just stories?", I asked.

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