Chapter 45

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"Where was dad at that time?", I asked.

Theo stiffened and didn't say anything for a while.

"Dad was busy with work.", he said in an emotionless voice and his face turned blank.

"What work?", I asked with a frown.

"He was busy with business, Aria.", he said calmly but his face has gone extremely blank and I'm unable to read his emotions.

"Business? But he should have been with you guys after mom's death. Instead Vince was there but dad wasn't?", I asked, my frown deepening.

What kind of reason is that?

How can dad be busy with his work when mom just died?

I mean I understand his work is important but is it that important to leave his kids when they needed him the most?

"Yeah.", Theo said.

"I don't want to offend  your feelings and neither am I blaming anyone, but is it not unfair to leave the responsibility of five kids to a 12 year old boy?", I asked hesitantly.

I don't want to anger Theo by giving an impression that I'm blaming dad. I don't know the situation so I shouldn't judge. But it is totally unfair for a 12 year kid to take up such a huge responsibility.

"You can express your views without any hesitance, princess.", Theo said and his voice once again went gentle.

"You didn't answer my question, Theo.", I said and it took so much courage.

Theo chuckled.

"I like it when you are bold. And about your question, yes it is unfair to leave such huge responsibility on a kid, but dad felt it justified by appointing a nanny for us.", he said and at the end his voice went a little bitter.

"So, did the nanny not fulfill her job properly that Vince had to step in?", I asked.

"It's not about whether nanny did her job or not.", he chuckled.

"Even before mom died, Vince was very protective about us. And after she was gone, he involved more into the things related to us and tried to make us feel home. No. He did make us feel home.", he said with a small smile.

I didn't say anything and stared straight at nothing in particular.

I can't really justify dad's actions. He was supposed to be there with them the way Vince was. He was supposed to do all that Vince has done.

Why did he thought leaving the kids who just lost their mom with a nanny is justified?

"Vince has sacrificed a lot in the process of raising us, Aria. But never once did he make us feel like a burden. Because for Vince, we are not just a responsibility. We are his family and so are you. We are always there to listen when you need to share something. So never hesitate to share anything with us.", he said softly, looking at me.

I gave him a small smile and nodded.

I know Theo is talking about my past, but I'm not ready to share everything yet. I still need time.

We then talked about lighter topics after that and the day ended normally.

A few weeks later.

A few weeks have passed since I started living with my siblings and everything is going pretty normal.

In the past few weeks, my brothers have tried to talk to me more and we spent good time together.

Ash and I share a weird bond but it is always exciting to rile him up. He gets grumpy when he is angry and that encourages me to rile him up a little more. 

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