Chapter 23

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I woke up as the early rays of sun hit my face through the opened window. I am used to wake up early, even without the help of an alarm.

So, I sat on my bed and stretched myself. I looked at the watch and it showed 5:45 AM. Almost the usual time. Back at my old house, I had chores to complete, so I woke up early. But here I have nothing to do. And I can't even sleep for long. It's a habit to wake up early.

There was no way I could sleep again. So, I got off my bed and went to the bathroom to complete my morning routine. After that, I took a long warm shower, as I have nothing better to do, as of now. I, then, dried my hair with the hair drier Theo bought me. I then combed my hair and tied in a single pony.

I went to the closet and took out my uniform. It is a three piece uniform. The uniform consisted of a plain white shirt, a royal blue skirt with a golden strip a few centimeters above the tip of the skirt, that ended just above my knees and a royal blue blazer with the crest of the school to the left of it in golden color.

I looked good in the uniform. I then noticed there was also a tie. So, I made a knot and tied it around my shirt's collar. With that, my uniform was complete.

There was still time for breakfast. But there was really nothing to to do in the room. I already packed my bag for the school yesterday night, before sleeping. So, right now, there is nothing to do, other than going to the dining room, as I still don't know this house properly. No one has given me a tour of the house yet.

But, I feel a little hesitant to go there. After Vince grounded Ace, Ash and Dylan yesterday, I'm not sure what they feel towards me anymore. I am sure if they didn't like me before, they definitely hate me now.


There is nothing I can do to change it. I am sure, it was Angelina who told Vince about the whole incident. I don't know if I should be thankful to her for caring enough to complain on them for hurting me. But at the same time, it just made matters worse. They might be hating me more now.


There is no use thinking about it. She did it in best intentions, so I should be grateful to her. And I am. I really want to get to know her, talk to her and be friends with her, but, Ash's warning, their dislike towards me and constantly avoiding Angelina from meeting me proves that it is not possible to be friends with her anytime soon.

I hope school goes smooth. Vince said I can make friends. I am happy for that, but I doubt if I can make at least one. I never had any friends and I don't know how to initiate a conversation with a stranger. 

Angelina also goes to the same school. Maybe she can be my friend, but again, she might be having her own friends. Most importantly I'm scared. What if Ash finds out I spoke to her and starts bullying me at school. I don't want my school life to be a disaster, so I'll better stay away from her.

I then broke out of my thoughts and decided to go to the dining room. I have to face them sooner or later. It is inevitable.

So, I walked out of my room, down the stairs and towards the dining room. While walking I remembered the reaction of Ace, Ash, Dylan and Angelina at the news of their father's arrival. Biologically, he's my father too.

Why were they so tensed and unhappy about his arrival? Even Angelina lost her usual smile she always has. I wonder what kind of a person he is.

Is he strict? Like super strict?

Is he abusive?

Is he rude or dominating?

Do they not like him?

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