Chapter 39

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"Dad, since Angelina is not biologically related to you, she looks neither like you nor like mom. So, did you ever not feel weird about it?", I asked looking at dad and he stiffened.

"I didn't notice.", he said clutching the steering wheel tightly.

"You didn't?", I asked.

"I was too busy to notice.", he said tightening his hold on the steering wheel. His hold was so tight that his knuckles turned white.

That's very weird!

Who would not notice the facial features of their kids, no matter how busy they are!

I feel there is more to the story than what dad is telling. I won't force him though! If I'm not comfortable enough to share my past with him, I can't expect him to answer all my questions truthfully.

So, I didn't push the matter further and just looked out of the window at the passing road. There was silence in the car for a while, each of us in our own thoughts.

"Aria", dad called me and I looked at him and hummed.

"How is your relationship with Angelina?", he asked and I sensed a hint of hesitance in his tone.

"It is great!", I said with a smile.

It is true. My relationship with Angelina is getting better day by day. In the past two days, we talked a lot and watched a couple of movies and shared our tastes and opinions. I felt good spending time with her. We are already like friends.

"So, you get along well with her, I suppose.", dad said and I nodded.

"Was she rude to you anytime?", he asked and I frowned.

Angelina and rude?

Doesn't fit in the same sentence.

"She is too sweet to be rude to anyone.", I said and he chuckled.

"Expected as much.", he said and shook his head slightly.

"But she doesn't have any friends. She is all alone at school.", I said.

"Is it?", he asked.

"Yes. I even called her to join me with my friends, but she said she does not want to.", I said with a little disappointment.

"Did she tell you the reason why?", he asked.

"She did. She said it is not that she doesn't want to but because she can't. I asked her what she meant but she dodged that topic.", I said and sighed.

Dad didn't say anything and his hold on the steering wheel tightened again and I could see a faint frown on his face. 

I thought he would say something but he didn't. There was just silence in the car, so I decided to ask some more questions.

"What does Vince do for a living, dad?", I asked and he stiffened yet again.

"He handles a lot of businesses along with Theo.", he said, but I feel there is more to it. Otherwise why did he stiffen at my question. It was just a simple question.

I just hummed and looked away. After a few minutes of silent ride, we reached the mansion. None of us spoke till we reached home. The atmosphere suddenly turned serious after we talked about Angelina.

Or am I imagining it?


I have more important things to worry about.

I don't even know how I feel about the whole swapping thing and it is quite awkward to face all of them after knowing the truth.


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