Chapter 1

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A warm cozy jazz music of Taylor Swifts 'Crazier' surrounds the huge elegant room, with a brown wall wooden interior matching with a cream beam highlights, wooden floor, a warm nice ceiling lighting with an astonishing chandelier at the center of the visitors lounge in the office.

A brunette woman seated on the Director's chair facing the window on her left, looking around the City of Seoul. Concentrating to the deep thoughts lingering to her head, a small curved was released on the top of her lips.

A deep sigh was released, she speaks thru her frustrations and irritation "Augh! It's been a month since the Anniversary, but I haven't heard anything from her! I'm going Crazy!" she tilts her head and grabbed her phone on her right, checks for the notification, waiting for a message to the person she was thinking right now.

To her exasperation she decided to shift the music from Jazz to an upbeat song that she's hoping to uplift her mood, Justine Biebers 'Peaches', she laid back her phone to her table and relaxed her body to the chair, after five minutes of enjoying the vibes, her phone vibrates, she immediately picks it and looked at the message hoping to read what she wanted to read. Too much assuming, the message was from her telephone provider reminding that her Data is about to reach the monthly limit of 150 gigabytes. The woman frowns and acted like throwing it to the couch, someone came in time before she throws it.

She stumbles on her seat and immediately stood up, she didn't throw her phone but due to her immediate action, it was dropped on the floor.

"Gosh! this is absurd!"

The visitor treads towards her and giggles, "Missed me?" She mumbles. The lady continues her pace towards the latter giving a warm feeling in the room.

"Gosh Nayeon! How dare you leaving me at the party without any words about..." Mina was cut by a warm embrace given by the Bunny. Her body shivers, hands automatically wrapped around the older, her lips curved up. The annoyance she felt was replaced by a longing excitement.

She buried her face as she crooks of her neck, sniffing the scent she missed, her heart pounds fast, she knew that the older feels it, Mina is braver and tougher than before, bolder and transparent letting the older noticed everything.

Nayeon tries to break the embrace but Mina didn't let her "Let me enjoy this for another minute." she squeezed her, Nayeon smirked and give what the younger wants. Mina closes her eyes while leaning on the older shoulder, both was wearing a huge smile on their face.

The room was filled of silent yearning screams. The younger moves away holding the older' s hands, the latter looks at her facade, her right hand brushes her cheeks, she already forgot a month of frustrations she felt during the absence of the older.

Explanations are not needed, reasons are all accepted without saying anything, all that Mina wants is to be in her arms once again.

"Let's have dinner Ms. Myoui, I'll be back at Six." Nayeon gave her a teasing wink, the younger growls while looking at her walking away the room. She looks at her watch, seeing it's only ten in the morning, she'll need to wait for eight long hours to see Nayeon again. Thankfully, she was reminded by her calendar notifications that she needs to attend two meetings, one will be held in 30 minutes and another one is at two in the afternoon.

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