Chapter 3

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Jisoo was sleeping peacefully in her room when she got a call from Chaeyoung. Jisoo immediately gets off to bed and went to Mina's penthouse. "Mina! Mina!" Jisoo was anxious and trembling, she keyed in Mina's lock key and was surprised of the presence of Nayeon. "What's with the urgency Jisoo unnie?" Nayeon yawns as she furrows her eyebrows, "Come on, Mina, your dad is in the emergency room. They're calling you but it seems your phone is off." Mina was shocked in the sudden news she heard her body shivers, Nayeon supports Mina and they immediately went to the hospital.

Momo was already in front of the operating room, rushing towards her "What happened?" Mina asked her sister. "Another cardiac arrest Mina. Dad's heart is failing." Mina was left unspoken, Momo hugged her younger sister, Dr. Han Cheol went outside the heavy stainless door. "Dr. Myoui, we're trying our best to save your father but we're having a hard time finding the main source of the bleeding." Mina looked so furious, she wants to enter the surgery room to help the them but she was not allowed. Although she owns the hospital, it is still not advisable to treat your own family.

"I'll do it. He's, my patient." Nayeon stoically volunteers to Dr. Han, "Dr. Im, are you sure you can do it?" Nayeon eyes was a little hesitant. It's been a long time since she handles a surgery since her heart was replaced. But Nayeon is determined to save Jooin. "Dr. Han, I can, Jisoo Unnie, can you assist me?" Jisoo nodded at her, Nayeon cares Mina and Momos shoulders, "Please, calm down and wait for us. Everything will be okay." Nayeon planted a soft kiss on Mina's head the latter calms down and trusted the older.

"Are you sure you can do this Nayeon?" Jisoo mumbles while they were disinfecting and sterilizing their hands, Nayeon silently composed herself. "I already did it a month ago Unnie, I think I still can manage to do it." Jisoo who seems to be worried just nodded at her "For Mina... I'll do this for Momo and Mina."

At the operating room, doctors and nurses were surprised with the presence of Nayeon and Jisoo. Nayeon continued and lead the surgery, Jisoo was left unspoken by her dedication.

She remembered about a month ago, when Nayeon operated the Mayor of Seoul with Jisoo and Shik, Nayeon trembles and becomes nervous while leading surgery. The trauma that she has because of Sana still lingers in her head. She stopped at the middle of the procedure and turned the lead position to Jisoo, she assisted her instead.

Jisoo becomes proud and confident to her, 'the mighty Nayeon is really back.' the surgery went well as expected. Of course, Jooin is Nayeons patient, she knew his condition and memorized each part of his heart.

Fellows took over the closing of Jooins chest, Nayeon and Jisoo went out wearing a huge beam on their face, Jisoo patted Nayeon leaving flattering remarks to her that makes her blushed and assured. Reaching Mina and Momo in the waiting area, Nayeon let Jisoo explain the whole thing, clearly, Mina and Momos weary look lightens up. Their discomfort and uneasiness feeling inside slowly fades away. They went to the recovery room to see their Appa.

Jisoo felt dizzy, so she and Nayeon decided to go back to their own offices. Jisoo was frantic when entering her office, her directors high chair is facing the wall, she knew that she left it nicely before she left last night, pacing towards her desk, the chair moves and she was shock with a warm smile greeting of a fine-looking man in his black V-neck fitted shirt, Arm muscles were screaming, wearing jeans and brown leather shoes with his black cap.

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