Scamander Child

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December 31, 1980

Lucien and Jazebal have been waiting for this day for months now. Well not this day precisely, their first born was to arrive by the second week of January 1981. But seems like baby Scamander was too eager to wait till then. Then again he was too eager to wait till his parents got married.

"It's a boy."

Jazebal slightly raised her head to see her new born squirming in the hands of the healer.

"What are you naming him?"

Lucien took the baby into his own hands gently rocking him.

"Tristan. Tristan Oren Porpentina Scamander."

"Can I hold him?" Jazebal asked.

"Ofcourse." Lucien gently, very carefully, gave the baby to his mother.

She looked at her son with glossy eyes for a long time. A beautiful baby boy with dark hair and two different eyes colors.

"He is gorgeous." she said with a slightly shaky voice.

"Of course he is. He looks like you." Lucien gently kissed her forehead, laughing. Jazebal laughed too.

Her smile faltered a little when she thought about the wizarding war that was going on. As if reading her mind, Lucien placed a hand over hers.

"He will be fine. I won't let anything happen to him or you."

"I know." Jazebal replied. She looked at her baby, sleeping soundly in his mother's arms.

And just like that they made a silent vow to protect him, no matter what.

Remus was the first of their friends to come see the baby. He was ecstatic. Three of his closet friends had children now. James and Lily had Harry six months ago and now Jazebal had Tristan.

The werewolf carefully held the baby in his arms.

"He looks like the perfect blend of both of you." Remus said. The baby curiously stared at the man holding him.

"I think he likes you already Moony." Jazebal commented.

"Which is great, because we had something to ask you..." Lucien begun then looked at his wife.

"We were hoping that you could be his Godfather." she said looking hopefully at her closest friend.

"Me?" Remus asked. He couldn't believe Jazebal and Lucien would trust him with their child if anything was to happen to them.

"Will you ?"

"Ofcourse." He choked out. "Of course I will be."

His godson.

Jazebal was a little disappointed that James and Lily couldn't come. But she knew why. Lily would've loved to see her best friend's son. Jazebal wanted to see Harry too.

Soon. She told herself. Soon everything will be over. She will be reunited with all her friends.

More people came. Newt and Tina for one. They couldn't stop adoring their grandson. Jazebal knew her parents wouldn't come. They had already disowned her. But she had hoped they wouldn't show the resentment to her child.

A long while later a visitor came. The one and only Sirius Black.

"Hey I thought you wouldn't come." Lucien said.

"How would I not." Sirius smiled brightly. "Now isn't he adorable."

He gently took the baby from Jazebal. Their eyes met for a brief second.

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now