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Tristan was getting ready for their Hogsmeade trip. Harry had convinced him to go with Hermione and Ron, with a promise that he'll join them somehow. He didn't know how but he would. Well it was Harry after all, he would always find a way. Besides he also needed to buy Christmas presents for everyone. He had to mail it at least two days prior his grandparents.

The dorm room was empty, Ron and Harry had gone down early. Tristan decided to take his time to get ready. Hermione had been nagging him and Ron to go see the shrieking shack with her. He pulled on his dark red sweater for the occasion. It was very Gryffindor like. He started to brush his hair, when a owl flew in through the window. Tristan knew only one person who was writing him letters every week. He smiled and walked upto the window sill.

"Well hello there, thank you for your service." He said as he took the letter from her. He ran his thump Scamander stamp on the letter.

My dearest,

How are you my darling? As for me, I'm perfectly content, expect that I miss you dearly. Three years and I'm still not used to spending majority of an year without you. I'm a little sad to hear that you're not coming home for the holidays this time but whatever suits you best. I hope you're enjoying your holidays with your friends. Tina and Newt have come to stay with me so please don't worry about me being alone. Eleazar also sents his regards.

Let Harry, Hermione and Ron know that I've asked about their well being and that I hope they're have a great time at Hogwarts. Now onto more serious affairs, do not vex Professor Snape or anyone else, for that matter. You should not be an inconvenience to anyone at all.

Also please take care of yourself. Do not stay up too late like you always do. And do not skip your meals. Remember I'm not their to remind you everything, all the time.

P.S. I love you my sweet little boy. And I can't wait to see you.


Tristan folded the letter with a content sigh. He could still smell his mother's faint lavender scent from it. He didn't have the time to write a reply. But he promised himself to do so right after he was back from Hogsmeade. He set down the letter on his table with a paper weight on top of it. He wrapped a scarf around his neck and walked down to the common room.

Hermione and Ron and were standing there seemingly arguing about something. Harry stood aside with his arms crossed over his chest. He saw Tristan come down and smiled softly. Tristan returned the warm smile.

"Merlin, the two of you are like an old married couple." Tristan exclaimed at Ron and Hermione's bickering.

"Ronald has lost his rat again." Hermione explained.

"Your cat ate him." Ron argued.

"Crookshanks did nothing of the sort." Hermione glared at him. Tristan looked Harry who shrugged.

"We'll find him, Ron. I think you're exaggerating." Tristan said taking a step closer to Hermione.

"There you go, taking her side again." Ron complained.

"I'm not taking sides. I love scabbers and crookshanks all the same." Tristan defended. Ron scoffed. He sighed and added deftly.

"We're going to be late, let's go already."

Ron and Hermione started walking. Harry stayed behind who made Tristan turn around.

"You're going to see me off?" Tristan asked.

"I will be joining you in no time. Go ahead."
Harry smiled.

Tristan briefly looked around to see if anyone was around. He swiftly moved towards Harry and kissed him tenderly on the mouth. Harry instinctively closed his eyes and slowly leaned in.

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now