Goodbye Buckbeak

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“No one has ever conjured up a Patronus Charm so quickly. And such a rare one at that.”
Harry exclaimed excitedly as he and Tristan made way into their shared dorm room.

“I think you're making this a bigger deal than it is.” Tristan grinned, sitting down.

“Because it is a big deal.” Harry sat down next to him.

Tristan shrugged. His grin turning into and easy smile, one that only Harry got to see.

“How come I have never seen a threstal before? You said, you saw them on Hogwarts grounds.”
Harry turned his head to Tristan.

“They're not visible to everyone. Like Professor Lupin said, you have to witness and accept death in order to see one.”
Tristan explained.

“What's on your mind?” Tristan lightly bumped his shoulder with Harry.

“Nothing. It's nothing important.”
Harry replied with a small smile.

Tristan knew Harry was thinking about his parents. He had witnessed their death but perhaps he was too young to remember and that's why he couldn't see threstals. However Tristan didn't say that to him.

“It's almost late. We should go see Hagrid.”
Tristan stood up and extended a hand to Harry.

They met Ron and Hermione in the common room. The two had a very serious look on their face. Harry and Tristan looked at ecah other with confusion.

“Are you two cross with each other?”
Tristan asked.

Hermione grabbed his arm and pulled him along. They walked in silence.

“Beautiful day, isn't it?” Hermione sighed.

“Unless you've been ripped to pieces.” Ron huffed.

“Ripped to pieces?” Harry glanced at the redhead.

“Ronald has lost his rat.” Hermione replied.

“I didn't lose anything. Your cat killed him.”
Ron argued.

“We'll you don't know that, Ron.” Tristan interfered as they kept walking.

“Maybe you should better car eif your pets.” Hermione turned around and walked backwards.

“You cat killed him.”

“Did not.”



They kept going back and forth, like they always did. The Scamander boy knew it wasn't getting anywhere. So he just kept walking till they reached Hagrid's hut.
Buckbeak was in his usual position. His head perked when he Tristan and others approaching.

“Hey Buckbeak.” Tristan slowly made his way towards the hippogriff. He stood and shook himself.

“How are you?” Tristan slowly caressed us feathers. Buckbeak nudged his cheek with his head.

Hagrid came out of the hut. He looked distressed. It bothered the kids, they feared the news wasn't anything good.

“Hello Hagird.” Said Hermione.

“I was waiting for yeh, let's go for a walk to the lake.”

Hagrid was particularly quiet. He kept throwing stones into the lake. Harry was Tristan sat on a giant rock and Hermione alone with Ron stood a little away.

“How did it go, Hagrid? The hearing.” Hermione asked.

“We'll, first off, the committee menvbers took turns talking about why we were there.”

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now