The Traitor

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"Ouch!" Tristan muttered as Harry fell on top of him.

Hermione was also thrown in my the whomping willow a second later. She fell right next to the boys.

"I'm sorry" Harry muttered, sitting up.

"It's alright." Tristan rose on his elbows. He scrunched his eyebrows and realized it hurt.
There was a small cut right above his left eyebrow.

"Does it hurt?" Harry raised a hand to gentle hold his chin up.

"A little but it's fine."

Harry stood up and helped Tristan stand too.

"Can you walk? Does it hurt anywhere?"
Harry was holding him with both hands on either side of him.

"I'm alright, Harry." Tristan said softly.

"I'm fine too. Thanks for asking." Hermione shrugged next to them.

Tristan and Harry looked away embarrassed.

"Do you know where this goes?" Tristan asked, moving forward first.

"I have a hunch. I just hope I'm wrong."

A little ahead they saw light, it seemed to an abandoned house. The realization dawned on them.

"Are we inside the shrieking shack?" Hermione whisper yelled.

They heard slight whimpers coming from a room. Harry made his way in first. Ron was on the ground, his leg was pretty messed up and Scabbers kept struggling in his hands.

"Ron, are you okay? Where the dog?" Harry asked.

Ron printed a trembling hand behind them.

"Harry it's a trap. He's the dog, he's an animagus."

They turned around. Tristan felt a chill go down his spine. The door closed and Sirius Black stood behind the door, wearing rags, looking like a true lunatic murderer.

Tristan instantly pulled Harry behind him.

"If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too." Hermione yelled.

"Only one of us will die today."
Sirius said, taking a step forward.

"Then it'll be you." Harry pushed pushed dpadt Tristan and wrestled the man down. He pointed his wand at his throat, Black laughed in response.

"Are you going to kill me Harry?"

Suddenly the door burst open and Professor Lupin barged in.

"Expelliarmus!" Lupin pointed at Harry's wand, which flew across the room.

He gestured for Harry to step aside and he did. Tristan grabbed Harry's hand and held it tight.

"We'll, well, Sirius..." Lupin spoke pointing his wand at the man on the floor.

"Looking a little ragged, are we? Finally the flesh reflects the madness within."

"Well you would know all about the madness within, wouldn't you Remus?"
Sirius spoke giddily, making Tristan frown.

Lupin held his wand away and offered his hand to Sirius, who took it and stood up. They embraced like old friends.

"I found him. Let's kill him." Sirius spoke maniacly.

Tristan could feel every cell in his body flare up with anger.

"No! I trusted you! I kept your secret and all this time you've been helping him."
He yelled, stepping forward.

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now