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Sirius Black is nearby.

Ever since Seamus came with the news Harry's been on edge. The dementors were still lurking around still looking for Black but that didn't calm him at all. But something that did calm him was when Tristan held his hand. It was brief, no one else saw it. They were walking to professor Lupin's class. Tristan gently took Harry's hand and squeezed it in reassurence. It was a simple gesture but it meant so much to both of them.

Professor Lupin stood infront of the class. Again Hermione had disappeared. Tristan didn't like that his best friend was keeping secrets from him. Lupin stepped aside to reveal a closet. Something was moving inside it. Knocking it. It moved violently.

"Curious isn't it? Now who can tell me what's inside it?" Professor Lupin asked.

"It's a boggart." Tristan answered.

"Very good Mr. Scamander. Now what does a boggart look like?"

"No one knows." the sudden voice from his side startled both Tristan and Ron.

"How did she get here?" Ron whisper shouted.

Tristan only stared at her.

"A boggart takes the shape of what the person most fears. That's what makes them so... "

"So terrifying. Yes." Lupin finished her sentence.

"Now there is only one spell to repel a boggart. It's incantation is Riddikulus. Everyone repeat after me."

"Riddikulus."they all echoed.

"A little louder."


Lupin called Neville to the front. The boy reluctantly stepped forward.

"What are you most afraid of?" Professor Lupin asked him.

"Pro-professor Snape."

Everyone laughed.

"Professor Snape, yeah frightens all." Professor Lupin said.

"Now when you stand in front of that closet and professor Snape steps out... I want you to raise your wand and say Riddikulus."

Then he bend and whispered something to Neville.

Professor Snape as menacing as ever, walked out of the closet like a diva. Neville gulped, raised his wand and said


The boggart twisted and there stood Severus Snape in Neville Longbottom's Grandmother's clothes. The whole class burst out laughing.

"Very good Neville. Now everyone form a line." Lupin instructed. He started playing some music.

Ron was next. His worst fear was a giant spider. As soon as Ron said the incantation it turned into a spider of roller skates. Next was Parvati Patil. Her worst fear was a giant snake.

Next up was Tristan. He was sure himself what he feared most. He stepped forward. The boggart begun changing shape.

Tristan's heart dropped.

His boggart was a graveyard. Each grave had names, Jazebal Scamander, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasly.....and one that already exists 'Lucien Newton Scamander.'

Tristan felt the ground beneath him shift. He felt nauseous. Anger took over fear in an instant. Tristan gripped his wand tightly and said


The graves erupted into sparkling dust. Without a glance at the sympathetic face of the professor, Tristan walked to the back of the class. He avoided looking at anyone at all. He clenched his jaw amd kept looking down at his feet....until... Harry went ahead and his boggart was a dementor.

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now