Write To Me

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Hardly an hour has passed, Sirius thought, since Buckbeak flew down next to beautiful summer house ; with hills and woods sorrounding it.


The sign had read. Sirius immediately realized the house belonged to Jazebal. Perhaps Tristan had asked Buckbeak to take him there. He'd opened the door with key he found inside the small cactus pot in the front  porch. Then as soon as he settled down on the sofa, he'd fallen asleep.

Some feint noises from the front door woke him up. He felt very disoriented after his, what he though was an hour long nap. The door opened and Sirius jumped up, expecting  a full brood of Aurors with their wands at the ready, to take him away and throw him to the dementors.

His fear was replaced with relief, and even ecstasy, within a second. Jazebal Scamander stood at the door, eyes slight wide, a smiled waiting to break out in her face. Sirius was too stunned to speak or move. Jazavel moved swiftly across the room, threw her arms over his shoulders and pulled into an embrace. Scarcely cared about his rags and dust.

“You kept your promise...” she breathed “you came back.”

“How could I not?”

They pulled away. Sirius saw the tears glistening at the corners of her eyes, he lifted his hand to wipe them away. Jazebal twisted away from him, wiping her eyes and suddenly conscious of herself.

“I have Brough you some clothes, and some other essentials.” She said picked up the backpack hsed dropped on the floor.

“You should take a bath, I'll cook something.” She proceeded to walk into another room.

While Sirius bathed, Jazebal prepared their meal. He'd been wrong, he was asleep for more than 12 hours. Tristan had owled Jazebal that he was senting Buckbeak and Sirius to their old summer home.

He had almost dozed off again in the bathtub, but the small rattles from the kitchen prevented it. It was calming, in a way.

Sirius was half asleep, not dreaming yet dreaming, he was recollecting the past.

Twelve years ago...

Fifteen years ago...

Nineteen years ago...

No the first time he saw her was nearly twenty-two years ago. They were around nine years old them. It was a hight class, aristocrat party.

“This is our only daughter, Jazebal Aldereidge.”

The Aldereidges were wealthy, pure blood wizards, who showoffed their daughter as if she were a trophy.

Sirius watched her the whole night, in her elegant little gown, lips drawn in a thin line, pale face and deep blue eyes that could cut through ice. She was serious looking, not shy but reserved, never smiled. They'd met again and again, though Jazebal never spared him as much as a glance. She went wherever her parents took her, stood still like a wax doll, a trophy.

Sirius turned Eleven, he was going to Hogwarts, getting away from his parents. On the train, he made a new friend, James Potter, funny and brave. He met two other boys, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, they'd be friends one day, he'd thought. Just as he had walked through the gates if Hogwarts, he heard a laugh. Sirius almost broke his neck turning around to see whose laugh it was, it was her, his Jazebal, laughing at something her Ginger friend had said.

That was the first time he saw her smile.

The sorting hat sorted them into Gryffindor, afterwards they went to the great hall for dinner, through it all Sirius was thinking of that laugh, what he'd give to hear that laugh again.

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now