Patronus Charm

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Blurred voices.

That's all Tristan could hear at first. His head felt heavy with a dull ache. He struggled to open his eyes. His whole body felt weak and weighed down. It terrified him. He felt defenseless. His heartbeat was loud in his chest.

“Is he waking up?” the voice was familiar but Tristan couldn't pin point who it belonged to.

“Tris? Sweetheart, can you here me?” this was his mother's voice.

Jazebal's voice immediately calmed him down. With an effort he blinked opened his eyes. The bright light blinded him momentarily. Once he got used to it, he could see who all were standing around his bed. On his left was his mother, leaning down and looking at him with worry.

“Mum?” He spoke raspily. He swallowed realizing how dry his throat was.

“Yes love, oh I'm so glad you're alright.” Jazebal rapidly blinked, trying to hide her tears.

Tristan saw Proffesor Lupin, Snape and Dumbledore at the foot of his bed. To his right was madam Pomfrey, smiling kindly at him. Lupin seemed a little worried, Snape was stoic and Dumbledore was calm as always.

“Are you feeling alright, Tristan?” Dumbledore asked.

Tristan swallowed again, unable to answer.

“Do you need some water, Mr. Scamander?” Madam Pomfrey asked.

Tristan nodded. Jazebal helped him sit up as the nurse handed her a glass of water. Tristan gulped down the whole thing in one go. Jazebal set the glass aside and sat next to her son.

“Thank you.” He muttered.

“How are you feeling now?” Lupin asked.

“Better, thank you. What happened to me?”
He asked looking around.

“Before that, it will do you good to take these potions now.” Snape interwened, clearly wanting to leave.

He handed to small vials of potions to Madam Pomfrey. One was clear, the other had a deep purple color.

“Should he take both of them right away?” Asked Jazebal.

“Yes.” Snape answered briefly.

Tristan squeezed his eyes shut and drowned both bitter liquids with a little hesitation.

“They should help with the... physical discomforts.” Snape spoke wothh a grave tone as if implying something.

“Thank you, Severus.” Jazebal said politely. Snape acknowledged it with a curt nod and turned around and left.

Just as he had exited, Dumbledore smiled politely and spoke.

“Well, Mr. Scamander, you gave us all quiet a scare. Are you feeling well enough to talk?”

“Yes.” Tristan answered. His headache had subsided and he wasn't feeling as tired as before.

“Very well. I think it will be better if Jazebal and Professor Lupin explained thing to you. Madam Pomfrey and I will take our leave.”

Once the two had left, Tristan glanced around to see that no one else was in the hospital wing. Lupin walked over and sat on the bed next to Tristan's.

“What happened?” Tristan asked again, seeing their worried faces.

“You fainted, baby. You've been unconscious for a whole day and night.” Jazebal explained. Tristan frowned.

“I was the one, who brought you here. You were wandering about the corridors. When I asked you why you were out there, you said some nonsensical things and just passed out. I was really worried.” Lupin explained.

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now