World Cup

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Tristan woke up with the first ray of sunshine that peered into his room through the window. It was the last week of summer break. A few more days and he would be back at Hogwarts with his friends and boyfriend. All summer, Tristan and Harry wrote each other letters. It was the only way, they could keep in touch.

So he wasn't very surprised when Hedwig landed on his window sill, first thing in the morning. Tristan got out of bed and went to take the letter from the owl.

“Thank you, Hedwig.”

My dearest Tris,

I've been counting down days all summer, I can't wait to see you again. It's been hell without you. I'll be at the Weasley's a day before the world cup. It'd be nice if you would there too. There's so much I want to tell you.

Yesterday I dreamt of you again and I woke feeling as though you were right next to me. I blame you for making it habit of sleeping in my bed, now it seems like I can't fall asleep without you. So free me of my misery and come to the Weasley's at the earliest. Miss you like a home.

Affectionately yours,

Tristan smiled, bringing the letter to his lips. He could ask Lupin to take him to the Weasley's before Harry gets there, it would be a nice surprise. And yes, he'd been staying with Remus Lupin for the latter half of the summer. Tristan hadn't gotten the chance to say goodbye to Lupin, so Jazebal took him to Lupin's house. It was his decision to stay with his godfather during the summer.

Tristan went downstairs where Lupin was already busy with breakfast. He'd taken up the role of a guardian pretty easily.

“Good morning, Moony.” Tristan said, cheerfully.

“Morning, Tristan. Breakfast? Take a seat.”
Lupin smiled.

“Can you take me to the Weasley's a day before the world cup?” Tristan asked munching on his food.

“Are you that tired of me already?”Lupin laughed.

“I just want to be there when Harry gets there.” Tristan said honestly.

Lupin gave him a knowing smile but said nothing of it.

“Sure I will.”

“Also, will you be coming to see me off?”
Tristan looked up from his plate.

“At the station?”


“If you want me there, alright. I'll be there.”

They shared another smile and went on with their breakfast.

The time Tristan spent with Remus really helped him see the man in a new light. Lupin was witty and sarcastic when he wanted to be, he really liked chocolates and baking, he also loved recollecting his memories at Hogwarts. All those memories consisting of the names, Prongs, Padfoot, wormtail, Bella and Lily.

Remus also helped Tristan understand himself a little better. Telling about how he could be in cintrol if his powers than his powers controlling him. But there was no saving him from the pain that his own empathy brought him. He'll feel the pain of all creatures, all the same.


Tristan had arrived at the Weasley's just before the sun went down. Arthur Weasley was to arrive with Harry at night. Hermione would join them the next morning.

Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now