Truth Comes Out

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"Baby, little baby,
It's time to say goodbye.
Baby, little baby,
I'll miss you, day and night.
Baby, my sweet baby,
I'll write to you, everyday."

Tristan squirmed with discomfort, the haunting melody seemed to have wrapped its veins around his soul. It wouldn't stop, she wouldn't stop.

It was the same. She was the same. He can't see her face but he can feel her cold fingers tightening around his throat. His feet slowly lifts off the ground. He can't breathe...

Tristan wants to wake up. He's screaming at himself to wake up but he can't. He can feel Harry stirring next to him. He wants Harry to call his name, to shake him awake. It's getting harder to breathe.

"... Tristan.... Scamander..." the words are hissed out, strained even.

Abruptly the grip loosens and Tristan falls.... And falls....

Tristan's eyes snapped open. The first thing he felt was disgust as his sheets were drenched with sweat. He looked over and Harry wasn't in his bed. It was light outside, so Harry must've gotten up before everyone everyone woke up. Tristan tried to remember what he just dreamed about. He knew he'd seen it before but the details were blurry.

All other beds were empty. Everyone must be up then, he thought. He had to go to class, although a kind of dread was settling in his stomach. He dragged himself out of bed and into thee bathroom. He stared at himself in the mirror for a long time. Until the bile rose up his throat and he doubled over, purging any remanants of nightmare.

Tristan took his time getting ready. There were less than two days to the ball. He still hadn't perfected the dance, and the thought of dancing with Harry infront of the school made his stomach turn. It wasn't that he was scared for himself, he could handle the taunts, the looks but Harry he wondered if Harry could.

Just Tristan as gathering his robe and books, Harry walked in. Tristan made an effort to smile though it didn't come through.

"Good morning." He said, clearing hi throat.

"Morning. Are you alright?" Harry asked brows furrowed in concern.

"Yeah. I'm great." Tristan said, walking up to Harry and kissing him.

Harry happily kissed him back although the worry lingered.

"Are you sure? You were tossing and turning in your sleep all night." Harry said, as they walked side by side.

"Was I?" Tristan swallowed.

"Yes. I tried to wake you but you wouldn't. Then you were sleeping rather peacefully around sunrise so thought I'd let you sleep in." Harry said taking Tristan's hand as they walked down the stairs.

The commom room was rather full. Everyone was in a rush. Unpacking suits, robes, gowns, chit chatting. Hermione was angrily flipping through her book. Ron looked at Harry and Tristan. Tristan was the first to let go of Harry's hand. He didn't mean anything by it, it was an unconscious action. Harry looked at him and observed Tristan looked really detached from reality.

"Are you not feeling well?" Harry asked again.

Usually when this happened Tristan would faint or get sick. Tristan sighed, rubbing his temples.

"I'm just tired." He replied. He really wanted to lean agaaint Harry, because of how exhausted he felt but looked around and thought better of it.

"We'll are we just going to stand here or are we going to class?" Hermione stood and stomped off.

Tristan frowned and so did Harry. They both gave Ron a look and he just shrugged.

"What's gotten into her?" Harry asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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Scamander Child | Harry Potter x Male!Oc | HP Fanfic | Male!Oc insert | BxBWhere stories live. Discover now