Old Friends

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A/N : This Chapter is filler and it is written from Jazebal Scamander 's perspective.

Jazebal watched the train to Hogwarts move further away from her. One might think after two years of watching her son leave for Hogwarts Jazebal might've gotten used to it. But she still wat he'd the train disappear with the same ache in her heart. It makes her wonder if her mother felt that way when she left for Hogwarts. But who was she kidding, that women was more than happy to ger rid of her.

Jazebal's greatest fear was turning into her parents. From the moment she knew she was pregnant she had feared she would never live up to be the mother her son deserved. Lucien had no such fear, he had grown up with a loving father who set up the best example for him.

Jazebal never had a proper mother, she didn't know how to have one let alone be one. But the moment she held her baby boy in her arms for the first time, she knew. She knew, she would protect him with everything she had. He would receive all the love in the world, all the live she was capable of. She would rather die before anyone could lay a finger on him.

When Lucien died she knew, now she was to play both father and mother to her boy. But that didn't bother her. She was more than willing to give all her love to Tristan. But deep down she was aware Tristan will always miss his father. But he never showed that. He was a pure child, always kept his sorrows to himself not wanting to burden his mother with it.

Jazebal came home and went straight upstairs to her study. She slumped down on her chair and closed her eyes for a long moment. She had several letters piled up on her desk. She hadn't had the heart open any of them. Most of them were from other aurors and the ministry.

Sirus Black has escaped Azkaban. Jazebal stood up abruptly staring at the letter in her hand. No one has ever escaped azkaban before yet Sirius managed to. She stared at it for a long moment before setting it down and resuming to her chair. There was another letter on the table, the address was unfamiliar. There was no family seal or anything of the sort.

My dear Jazebal,

I know you're going to be furious when you read this. After disappearing from your life for almost 12 years... I cannot tell you how sorry and ashamed I'm for abandoning you when you needed me. I  couldn't bear the lose of our friends and failed to keep the one I had left. I have let you down, not just you, Tristan too.

I will, apologize a thousands if you want me to. But now I'm here to make things right. As right as they can be. You were right, my dear, Sirius is innocent. It wasn't him who betrayed James and Lily to you-know-who, it's was Pettigrew. We failed to smell the rat among us. I'm sure you have heard about Sirius by now. Yes, he has escaped and he's looking for revenge. I will do everything I can to help him, to prove his innocence. I will understand if you don't want anything to do with this. But do write back.

I have been appointed as the professor for defense against dark arts at Hogwarts. Which means I'll be in close proximity to Tristan and Harry. I won't him anything unless you want me to. I have failed as a godfather but I wish to redeem myself. I promise I will keep them out of harms way.
Take care of yourself dear friend.

Remus J Lupin

Jazebal pressed the letter to her chest. Tears flowed freely from her eyes. After over a decade of losing all her dearest friends, she was finally hearing from one of them. She wiped her eyes and immediately started to write a reply. Once she was done, she went to the owlery.

Jazebal left the owelry lost in thoughts. She heard some rustling behind her and her guard went up. She turned around and listened for any sound. She raised her wand.

“Who's there? Show yourself!”

There was no reply but some more rustling was heard. Then someone stepped forward. Jazebal scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. Then her eyes widened and her mouth fell open. She lowered her wand and stared at the man standing before her in complete shock.

Sirius Black, himself, was standing in front of her. He was wearing rags. He looked thin and pale with dark circles under his eyes. He stared at Jazebal with blurry eyes and an expression she couldn't decipher. She looked around and immediately grabbed his hand and led him inside.

Once they were inside she closed the door behind them.

“Sirius.” She relished the feel of his name in her tongue. Sirius stared at her as of he couldn't believe she was real.

“You look just as beautiful.” Siriis spoke softly. Jazebal smiled tearily at that. She took a step forward. But then seemed to collect herself before speaking.

“You can't stay here much long. I'm an auror, you'd get caught. I can arrange a place for you to stay. Then we can...”

Sirius shook his head and interrupted her.

“I'm going to Hogwarts.”

Jazebal paused, her mouth opening and closing without uttering a syllable. Then she let out a shocked laugh.

“What? Are you insane? Sirius...”

“I have to go, Jazebal. Hogwarts have the answers I need.”

“What answers, Sirius?”

“All of them.”

They stared at each other for a long minute. Jazebal recognized the look in Sirius's eyes. He was determined to go and there was nothing she could do to change his mind. She sighed in defeat.

“Moony is...”

“I know. He will help me.”

Jazebal nodded. She looked away and brushed away a stray tear. Sirus took a few steps forward to stand in front of her. He touched her shoulder and she looked back at him.

“My son is there. He and Harry are friends.”
Jazebal said softly.

“Tristan.” Sirius said.

“You remember his name.” Jazebal said quiet surprised.

“How could I not? He is your son.”

She smiled fully at that. But her face fell gain and she said almost pleadingly to Sirius.

“Return to me, safe and sound. Promise you won't get caught or worse killed.”

Sirius raised his hand. It hovered over Jazebal's face, not quiet touching. He grazed her cheek with his finger and she closed her eyes.

“I promise you, my dear, I will return unharmed and alive. We'll rebuild everything we lost.”

Jazebal didn't turn around to see Sirius leave. She stood there as still as a statue. She touched her face where his finger had been, still feeling his touch.

We'll rebuild everything we lost.”

A/N : This is short. But you'll receive another update with Canon parts tomorrow. Take care.

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